May 2024
Welcome to the Thimbleby Parish Meeting, and a warm welcome to anyone attending this meeting for the first time.
I would like to begin by thanking Mark Jamieson, the past chair of Thimbleby Parish Council, and Elaine Barrett who was also a former member of the Council. Both worked hard during their time on the Council and were active in supporting some of the improvements we have seen in the village over the past 12 months. I should also like to thank Ann for remaining in her role as a Parish Councillor and to thank Polly for joining the Council from May of this year.
The Council is always looking for additional residents to become Councillors and if this is of interest to you, please do speak with any of the Councillors who will be happy to chat with you about what this involves.
Looking back over the last 12 months the Council has successfully installed 2 SID’s on the main road through Thimbleby. This marks the culmination of over five years of work by the Council to respond to residents’ concerns over excessive speeding throughout the village. We remain grateful for the donation from Thimbleby Court as well as the advice and support from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. We are committed to a further SID being placed in Mill Lane and continue to set funds aside in order to achieve this.
The noticeboard close to the Durham Ox, which suffered storm damage, is in the process of being replaced with a more substantial one better able to withstand our increasingly wet winters. The Council was approached by residents from this area of the village keen to keep a noticeboard that they can easily access.
Much of the village was also adversely affected by the winter storms. This impacted residents’ properties, gardens, roads and drains. Since October numerous conversations and Fix My Street alerts with LCC have resulted in the drainage issues being rectified at Green Lane and the Junction with the B1190. The drains by the Church Bend have also been cleared out and hopefully this will help to alleviate flooding issues particularly for the Old Manor House. We will be closely monitoring flooding throughout the coming Autumn/Winter period.
The Pump located outside the Village Hall has been acquired as a heritage asset by the Parish Council. We decided to take this action since ownership of the pump could not be established and it needs repairs and ongoing maintenance.
Community Speedwatch has struggled to operate effectively during the last 12 months largely due to health issues and a dwindling number of volunteers. I stepped down from my coordinator role and should like to thank Jonathan Lincoln for taking this on. Jonathan will require new volunteers to enable him to safely undertake sessions throughout the village so even if you only have an hour to spare, he will be grateful for your time and input.
I am grateful to those in the village, many of whom are here this evening, who give up their time to improve and look after our buildings from the Church to the Village Hall and of course the wonderful support the Durham Ox gives to many charities. All the hard work of these people does not go unnoticed. Finally, I should like to thank my fellow Councillors as we look towards the coming year.