Function: Function: Accounts |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Duty to appoint a Responsible Financial Officer to manage the council's finances. |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972 S.151 |
Function: Function: Acceptance of Office |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Duty to sign declaration of acceptance of office (councillors and chairman) |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972 S.83 |
Function: Function: Agency arrangements |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to arrange for the discharge of functions by another local authority |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972 S.101 |
Function: Function: Allotments |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide allotments/ duty to provide allotment gardens where the demand exists |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Smallholdings and Allotments Act 1908, Ss.23,26,42 |
Function: Function: Baths and wash houses |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide public baths and wash houses |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Public Health Act 1936, Ss.221-223, 227 |
Function: Function: Borrowing |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to borrow money for statutory functions |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, Sch 13 |
Function: Function: Burial Grounds, cemeteries and crematoria* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to acquire and maintain |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss. 9 and 10 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.214 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to agree to maintain memorials and monuments |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Parish Councils and Burial Authorities (Micelaneous Provisions) Act 1970, S.1 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to contribute to expenses of maintaining cemeteries |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.214(6) |
Function: Function: Bus Shelters* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide and maintain bus shelters |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953, S.4 |
Function: Function: Byelaws |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to make byelaws for public walks and pleasure grounds |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Public Health Act 1875, S.164 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Cycle Parks |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, S.57(7) |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Baths and washhouses |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Public Health Act 1936, S.233 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Open Spaces and burial grounds |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Open Spaces Act 1906, S.15 |
Function: Function: Celebrations and national events |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to facilitate a function, power to facilitate a religious or similar event, power to provide information, power to encourage visitors, power to provide entertainment. |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, Ss. 111, 138B, 142, 144, 145. |
Function: Function: Charities |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to appoint trustees of parochial charities |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Chairites Act 1993 S.79 |
Function: Function: Christmas Lights |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to atract visitors |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.144 |
Function: Function: Citizens Advice |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to Support |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.142 |
Function: Function: Clocks* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide public clocks |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Parish Councils Act 1957, S.2 |
Function: Function: Closed Churchyards |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power (and sometimes duty) to maintain |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.215 |
Function: Function: Commons and common pastures |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Powers in relation to enclosure, regulation and management, and providing common pasture |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Inclosure Act 1845; LGA 1894, S.8(4); Smallholdings and Allotments Act 1908 S.34 |
Function: Function: Community Centres |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide and equip community buidings |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.133 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide building for use of clubs having athletic, social or educational objectives. |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA (Miscellaneous Provisions) 1976, S.19 |
Function: Function: Conference Facilities* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide and encourage the use of conference facilities |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1977, S.144 |
Function: Function: Consultation |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Right to be consulted by principal councils if directed by Secretary of State. |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Local Government and Rating Act 1997, S.21; LGA 1972, S.33A |
Function: Function: Crime prevention* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to spend money on various crime prevention measures |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Local government and Rating Act 1997, S.31 |
Function: Function: Drainage |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to deal with ditches and ponds |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Public Health Act 1936, S.260 |
Function: Function: Entertainment and the Arts* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Provision of entertainment and support for the arts including festivals and celebrations |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.145 |
Function: Function: Flagpoles |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to erect flagpoles in the highways |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Highways Act 1980, S.144 |
Function: Function: Free Resource |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to incur expenditure not otherwise authorised on anything which in the council's opinion is in the interests of the area or part of it or all or some of the inhabitants. |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.137 |
Function: Function: Gifts |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to accept gifts |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.139 |
Function: Function: Highways |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to maintain footpaths and bridleways |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Highways Act 1980, S.43, S.50 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to light roads and public places |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Parish Councils Act 1967, S.3 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide parking places for vehicles, bicycles and motorcycles |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Road Traffic Regulation Act, S.57 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to make a dedication agreement for a new highway or widening of an existing highway |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Highways Act 1980, S.30, S.72 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Right to veto applicaion to magistrates court to stop up, divert or cease to maintain a public highway |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Highways Act 1980, S. 47, S.116 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to complain to a local highway authority that a highway is unlawfully stopped up or obstructed |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Highways Act 1908, S.130 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to plant trees, etc and maintain roadside verges |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Highways Act 1980,S. 96 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to prosecute for unlawful ploughing of a footpath or bridleway |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Highways Act 1980, S.134 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide traffic signs and other notices |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, S.72 |
Function: Function: Interests |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Duty to declare an interest |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.94 |
Function: Function: Investments |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to participate in schemes of collective investment |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Trustee Act 1961 S.11 |
Function: Function: Land |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to acquire land by agreement, to appropriate land and to dispose of land |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.124, S.126, S.127 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to acquire land by compulsory purchase |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972 S.125 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to accept gifts of land |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972 S.139 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to obtain particulars of persons interested in land |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA (Miscellaneous Provisions) 1976 S.16 |
Function: Function: Lighting |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to light roads and public places |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Parish Councils Act 1967, S.7 |
Function: Function: Litter* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide litter bins in streets and public places |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Litter Act 1983, S.5, S.6 |
Function: Function: Lotteries |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to promote lotteries |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976, S.7 |
Function: Function: Meetings |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Duty to hold annual parish meeting |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, Sch 12 paragraph 23 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Duty to hold annual parish council meeting |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972 Sch 12 paragraph 7 |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to convene a parish meeting |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972 Sch 12 paragraph 14 |
Function: Function: Mortuaries and post-motem rooms |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide mortuaries and post-mortem rooms |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Public Health Act 1936, S.198 |
Function: Function: Newsletters |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide information relating to matters affecting local government |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.142 |
Function: Function: Nuisances* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to deal with offensive ponds, ditches and gutters |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Public Health Act 1936, S.260 |
Function: Function: Open Spaces |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to acquire and maintain open spaces |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: {ublic Health Act 1875, S.164 Open Spaces Act 1906 S.9, S.10 |
Function: Function: Parish documents |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to give directions as to custody of parish documents |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.226 |
Function: Function: Parking facilities |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide parking places for motor vehicles and bicycles |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, S.57, S.63 |
Function: Function: Parks and pleasure grounds |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to acquire land or to provide recreation grounds, public walsk, pleasure grounds and open spaces and to manage and control them |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Public Health Act 1875, S.164; LGA 1972 Sch 14 paragraph 27; Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890, S.44 |
Function: Function: Public buidlings and village halls |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide buildings for offices and for public metings and assemblies |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972 S.133 |
Function: Function: Public conveniences |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide public conveniences |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Public Health Act 1936, S.87 |
Function: Function: Publicity |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide information about matters affecting local government |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.142 |
Function: Function: Records |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to collect, exhibit and purchase local records |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Local Government (Records) Act 1962 S.1,S.2 |
Function: Function: Recreation* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide a wide range of recreational facilities |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss9-10, LGA(Miscellaneous Provisions) 1976, S.19. |
Function: Function: |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Provision of boating pools |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Public Health Act 1961, S.54 |
Function: Function: Seats and Shelters* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to provide roadside seats and shelters |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Parish Councils act 1957, S.54 |
Function: Function: Town and Country Planning |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Right to be notified of planning applications |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Sch 1, paragraph 8 |
Function: Function: Town Status |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to adopt town status |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.245, S.245B |
Function: Function: Tourism* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to contribute to encouragement of tourism |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.144 |
Function: Function: Traffic calming |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to contribute to the cost of traffic calming measures |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Highways Act 1980, S274A |
Function: Function: Transport* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to a) establish car-sharing schemes; b) make grants for bus services; c) provide taxi-fare concessions; d) investigate public transport; e) provide information about public transport services |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Local Government and Rating Act 1997, S.26; Transport Act 1985, S.106A |
Function: Function: Village signs |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to use decorative signs to inform visitors |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: LGA 1972, S.144 |
Function: Function: Village greens* |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to maintain, to make bylaws for and to prosecute for interference with village greens |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: Open Spaces Act 1906, S.15; Inclosure Act 1857, S.12; Commons Act 1876, S.29 |
Function: Function: Village halls |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : (see Community Centres and Public Buildings) |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: |
Function: Function: War Memorials |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to maintain, repair and protect war memorials |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision: War Memorials (Local Authorities Powers) Act 1923, S.1 as extended by LGA 1948, S.133 |
Function: Function: Water Supply |
Powers and Duties : Powers and Duties : Power to utilise any well, spring or stream to provide facilities for obtaining water from them. |
Statutory Provision: Statutory Provision:
Public Health Act 1936, S.125