29th January 2025 DRAFT
Councillors Cllrs P. Buckingham (Chair), A.Doody, C.Bachrati.
Not Present: All present
In attendance The Clerk, A. Everard.
Members of public present: None
Cllr Bachrati signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Clerk and submitted his signed Declaration of Interests prior to the start of the meeting.
13/25. Election of Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council for the remainder of the term ending May 2025.
Cllr P. Buckingham was proposed, seconded and unanimously elected Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council and Declaration of Acceptance of Office signed in the presence of the Clerk.
14/25. To suspend the Parish Council meeting for up to 15 minutes for public participation period.
As there were no members of the public present the meeting continued.
15/25. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate.
All present. No apologies.
16/25. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations
17/25. To adopt the draft minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 8th January 2025.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt them. The Chair signed the minutes. The minutes of 6th November 2024 adopted in minute 3/25 had inadvertently not been signed at that meeting and were signed by the Chair at this meeting.
18/25. To consider any matters arising from the previous meetings 8th January 2025 not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.
The Clerk reported that minute 8/25a the passive speed limit signs had been handed over to the Community Speedwatch Coordinator by the Chair and they had been installed in the village. The Parish Council expressed its thanks for this work being completed. In minute 8/25c Vere Bros Ltd had been notified to go ahead with obtaining the permit and Cllr Bradwell had not notified any change to the applicable fees. In minute 8/25f regarding the bin sitting in the bus shelter the Clerk advised it wasn’t there when checked and Councillors noticed that it had moved the day after the last parish council meeting. It was also noted that the spare bin now located next to the bench near Church Corner had not notified to the parish council as being formally added to the ELDC cleaning schedule.
It was noted that former Cllr Lincoln co-opted in minute 09/25B had resigned in writing prior to this meeting and East Lindsey District Council had issued the Vacant Seat notice.
19/25. Correspondence Received
LALC E-News; Invitation to Thimbleby Village Hall formal opening 12noon Saturday 15th February (RSVP).
Parish Council noted the invitation and Cllr Buckingham, the Chair, indicated she planned to attend. The Clerk would notify acceptance of the invitation.
20/25. Planning
Application reference S/181/01746/24| Planning Permission – Erection of 3 no. dwellings | ELMLEA FARM, ELMHIRST ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5LX
Thimbleby PC: No objection.
ELDC Decision: Approved
The Parish Council noted the ELDC planning decision.
21/25. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors
Apologies had been received from the councillors due to other commitments.
22/25. Finance
22/25a) To approve the payment of bills paid between meetings and bills to pay on the payment schedule.
22/25b) To consider changes to the bank signatory mandate.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to remove M. Doody and to add A.Doody and C.Bachrati with P.Buckingham continuing and now in the role of Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council. The Bank Mandate was completed and signed.
22/25c) To consider any grants and donations for 2024/25 financial year.
No formal request had been received. Cllrs would make enquiries into potential requests or donations.
22/25d) To consider draft budget and precept for 2025-26.
Various options to add to the budget were debated and it was decided not to add to the budget; participation in East Midlands in Bloom initiatives, contracting grounds maintenance to remove leaf litter in the Autumn and adjusting the Clerk’s contracted hours. The Clerk/RFO explained the draft budget calculations highlighting that Earmarked Reserves had been spent this year on the decoration of bus shelter, benches, noticeboards plus with £2,600 unexpected expenditure in 2024-25 needing to come from General Reserves to cover the cost of a new Speed Indicator Device not covered by grants received and the unexpected replacement noticeboard installation costs. General Reserves were now at approximately 35% and should aim to be increased to 80-100% of the budget in keeping with best practice and guidance. VAT would be reclaimed this financial year to boost balances.
Proposed draft budget increased to £5428.00 including £1800 to General Reserves. With 95 Band D properties forming the tax base in the parish of Thimbleby the annual amount would increase from £55.54 to £57.14 per property (a £1.60 increase for the year which is a 2.88% increase) subject to ELDC final billing calculations.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED for a 2025-26 budget of £5428.00 for 2025-26 and the precept is £5428.00. The Clerk to notify ELDC.
Budget Item | Amount |
Subscription/Training to Lincs Ass of Local Councils | £98 |
Insurance | £300 |
Information Commissioner's Office | £35 |
Meeting expenses | £300 |
Audit | £150 |
Salaries | £1,575 |
Mileage | £150 |
Administration, Printing, Postage & Software | £150 |
Grass Cutting | £500 |
Asset Maintenance | £100 |
S137/ Grants/ Donations | £100 |
Speed signs | £80 |
Bank charges | £90 |
Transfer to General Reserves | £1,800 |
Total Approved Budget | £5,428 |
23/25. To consider Street Naming request for Elmlea Farm site.
Debate noted the ELDC Street Naming Policy and that the proposed name had no historic status or local connection to the place in the parish of Thimbleby. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the preferred name for the Elmlea Farm, Elmhirst Road new development road name should be Elmlea Close/Place/ Court/ Fields alternatively Elmhirst Close. The Clerk will notify East Lindsey District Council and the developer.
24/25. To consider the NHT Survey request and if any action to be taken.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that individual councillors could undertake the survey.
25/25. To approve any bookings for training and potential costs.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to purchase the LALC Annual Training Scheme for 2025-26.
26/25. To consider items for the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council – Wednesday 5th March 2025 7pm
Cllrs will notify the Clerk of any motions in advance of the agenda being produced.
Meeting ended 9.30pm.