Health & Safety Policy

Thimbleby Parish Council Social Health And Safety Policy



Thimbleby Parish Council (hereafter ‘TPC’) consists of 1 part time (100 hours per year) employed Clerk, and 5 elected volunteer councillors. None of the above are formally trained in matters of Health and Safety; this document has been assembled using common sense.

TPC meets circa 6 times per year in the village hall, any work conducted outside these meetings would typically be within the Clerk’s / Councillor’s domestic environment.

All work conducted is of an “administrative” nature; no machinery / blades / chemicals etc. are used. Councillors and staff do move furniture when making ready the village hall for meetings, this is confined to lightweight tables and chairs. Councillors and staff may occasionally hold “site meetings” e.g. meeting with highways officers or repair contractors.

Prior to this version of the document it was deemed unnecessary to have a formal Health and Safety policy, as the clerk is the only employee (lower than the 5 employee threshold). TPC has now been advised that a policy is required as the Councillors now “count” toward the threshold.


Statement of Intent

This is the Health and Safety policy of TPC

Our Heath and Safety policy is to:

  • prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health

  • manage Heath and Safety risks in our workplace

  • consult with employees and councillors on matters affecting their health and safety

  • encourage safe and healthy working conditions

  • implement any necessary emergency procedures including evacuation routes in case of fire

  • review and revise this policy periodically


Responsibilities for Heath and Safety

As stated, a) TPC does not have any personnel trained in Heath and Safety, and b) all work done is of an administrative nature.

Taking these facts into account, it is expected that each individual will 1) assume responsibility for their own Health and Safety, to include self-monitoring of workstation ergonomics if prolonged periods of screen activity are anticipated, and 2) be aware of the Health and Safety of their colleagues.

All members of TPC shall be encouraged to speak up / speak to others if they witness an act or situation that they consider to be unsafe.

All employees and councillors shall:

  • stay alert to Health and Safety matters and encourage others to do likewise.

  • cooperate on Health and Safety matters

  • take reasonable care of their own Health and Safety

  • report all Health and Safety concerns to TPC


Arrangements for Health and Safety

Risk Assessments

  • Risk assessments will be completed and where appropriate actions taken

  • Risk assessments will be reviewed when working habits or conditions change


Not currently considered applicable due to the nature of the work. Will be considered should circumstances change.


TPC will consult periodically with staff and councillors on Health and Safety matters. The Clerk shall ensure that this policy is reviewed and considered annually as a formal council action.


TPC shall ensure that escape routes are understood for any and all locations where meetings take place