20 November 2019

Thimbleby Parish Council Meeting


Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 20th November 2019 Beginning at 7.00 am




The Meeting will begin with a Presentation on the emergency Plan from Steve Harris LCC Emergency Planning & Business Continuity Officer


This will be followed with a 15-minute Public Participation Session


1 Chairman’s welcome


2 Apologies for absence


3 Declarations of Interest


4 To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on 24th September 2019


5 Matters to Report from last meeting

a) LCC Highways contacted & They confirm that there are no verges cut in the Parish apart from the A153

b) J H Plant contacted re the grass cutting within the Village

c) The Clerk has investigated the request to join the Tree Charter, the cost this year is £6.99 per elector – further discussion required

d) Planning Department advised that although the PC agreed that paper plans were not required the Clerk is still receiving them


6 Correspondence Received

a) Request from the Treasurer of Horncastle Matters – Request for a donation – sent to Councillors before the meeting

b) Chairman of Edington & Wispington Parish Meeting – invite to meeting – sent to Councillors before the meeting


7 Planning

a) Decisions


Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a porch, replacement roof and enlarged kitchen on site of part of the existing dwelling which is to be demolished and erection of a detached single garage on the site of the existing garage which is to be demolished.

North Cottage, North Street, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5RE

No Objections

Full Planning Permission Granted


Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide an enlarged and an additional bedroom and an entrance porch.

Spindrift, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5RB

No Ojection

Full Planning Granted


Planning Permission - First floor extension and alterations to existing dwelling to include the provision of dormer windows on the front elevation.

Raybecca, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5RB

No Objections

Full Planning Granted


For the construction of a covered digestate storage lagoon

Wood beck Farm Edlington

Permission Granted

b) Submitted


Planning Permission - Erection of 4no. additional poultry rearing units and siting of 4no. silos on existing agricultural site.

Valley Farm, Hemingby Lane, West Ashby, Horncastle, LN9 5PW

No Objections


8 Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councilors


9 Finance

a) Bills Paid Between Meetings

October Salary £74.56

Inland Revenue £55.20

JH Plant (grass cutting) £360.00 inc £60 reclaimable VAT

b) Bills to pay

Councillor Mileage (for courses) £25.20

Councillor Mileage (for courses) £ 32.85

LALC (Conference) £24.00 inc £4 reclaimable VAT

Salary Nov £74.56

Postage £0.61

c) Balance of Accounts

Current account £5900.66 Petty Cash £8.77

d) Internal Audit

e) Confirmation received from the Bank that signatories have been changed

f) Budget & Precept – sent to Councilors before the meeting


10 Speed watch

a) Report -Cllr Doody


11 Footpaths & Highways

a) Reported

4126577 – Awaiting delivery of Grit Bin

353140 – Pavement impassable due to weeds

b) Beeswax Farms – Cllr Devlin

c) Grass cutting – details re the verge cutting within the village

J H Plant



12 Policies & Procedures

a) To Propose Portfolio holders for Staff Matters & Others as appropriate – Cllr Jamieson

b) To discuss the draft Standing Orders and amendments

c) Communication Policy

d) Complaints Policy

e) Council relations with Local Businesses and neighboring Parishes

Cllr Mrs Doody


13 Reports on Meetings Attended

Edlington & Wispington Parish Meeting Cllr Doody

Broadband meeting – Cllr Jamieson

Corporate Strategy Workshop – Cllr Jamieson


14 Lap Top – The Clerk

Costs & Risks


15. Annual Parish Council Meeting & Annual Parish meeting arrangements – booked for May 20th, 2020


16 Councillor Feedback


17 The Emergency Plan – next steps


18 Agenda Items for the next meeting

Use of Notice Boards Cllr Jamieson

Neighborhood plan/community review Cllr Devlin