7 May 2019 - Annual Parish Council Meeting

Thimbleby Parish Council Meeting


Parish Annual Council Meeting Tuesday 7th May 2019




1 Apologies for absence


2 Declaration of Acceptance of Office to be signed

And contact details discussed


3 Election of Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office to be signed


4 Election of Vice Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office to be signed


5 To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on

14th February 2019


6 Declarations of Interest


7 Matters to Report from last meeting



8 Correspondence Received

a) Community Lincs – Insurance

b) Emergency Planning


9 Planning

a) To Discuss


Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a ground floor enlarged kitchen and utility room with a first-floor bedroom and bathroom over.

Garth House, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5RE


10 Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councilors


11 Finance

a) Bills paid between Meetings

W Goodwin - speed gun £165.00

Protect Services - sign £ 96.84 inc £16.14 Reclaimable VAT

Howsafe- clothing £49.50 inc 8.25 Reclaimable VAT

b) Bills to be paid

Salary March £72.62

Salary April May

Inland Revenue £54.00

LALC – Membership £76.58

c) Bank £3968.04, Petty Cash £8.77

d) ICO Membership

e) New banking mandate


12 Highways

a) Reported

343440 Flooding outside Chatsworth


13 Speed watch Cllr Doody


14 Training


15 Agenda Items for the next meeting


16 Dates of Meetings