18 June 2019
Thimbleby Parish Council Meeting
Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 18th June 2019
1 Chairman’s welcome
2 Apologies for absence
3 Declarations of Interest
4 To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on May 7th, 2019
5 Matters to Report from last meeting
6 Correspondence Received
a) Zurich Policy and Employers liability Certificate Received
b) 3rd Resilience Communities Conference – Sent to Cllrs before the meeting
c) LALC Conference & AGM sent to Councillors before the meeting
7 Planning
a) Decision
Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a ground floor enlarged kitchen and utility room with a first-floor bedroom and bathroom over.
Garth House, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5RE
No Objections
Full Planning Permission Granted
b) ELDC - Planning Consultation
8 Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councilors
9 Finance
a) Bills to be paid
Salary June £74.56
Clarks Clerical Services - Internal Audit £24.00
b) Income
Precept received £3650.00
c) Bank Balance £7063.67, Petty Cash £8.77
d) Budget
e) Asset Register
f) Annual Governance & Accountability Return – sent to Councillors before the meeting
(i) To Sign the Certificate of exemption
(ii) To complete & sign the Annual Governance Statement
(iii) To complete & sign the Accounting statements
g) To sign the bank mandate
10 Speed watch Cllr Doody
11 Highways
The following outstanding reports have been sent to Cllr Bradwell who will investigate them:
- 351640
- 4124600
- 351297
- 351270
- 349187
- 348968
- 4116603
- 343683
12 Training
a) The Parish Council has joined the training scheme for the year at a cost of £78 inc reclaimable VAT
The Council will however need to pay for lunches separately at
£9.00 +VAT
This is a large saving as individual courses are charged at
Full Day £28.50 Half day £ 12.50
13 Policies & Procedures
To Adopt the Following Policies
Co Option
Code of Conduct
14 Co Option Arrangements - Cllr Jamieson
15 General House keeping - Cllr Jamieson
To include – e mail addresses, group email, domain name, website
16 Communication Strategy – Cllr Jamieson
17 Lap Top – The Clerk
18 Councillor Feedback
19 Agenda Items for the next meeting
20 Arrangements for the September Meeting
The next item is a pink paper and the public will be asked to leave
21 Co Option interviews