6 May 2020
Thimbleby Parish Council
Minutes Of The Parish Council Meeting On 6th May 2020 Beginning At 6.30pm By Way Of A Virtual Zoom Meeting
Councillors Cllr Jamieson (chair)
Cllrs Mrs A Doody, Ms E Barrett, P Devlin M Doody
In attendance The Clerk
1 Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman welcomed those present
2 Apologies for absence
PCSO Wass, Cllr Mrs Martin hoped to join the meeting after carrying out her
COVID 19 volunteer duties, but returned too late to attend
3 Declarations of Interest
4 To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on 22nd January 2020.
Proposed Cllr Jamieson, seconded Cllr Doody & unanimously agreed that these minutes should be signed
5 To Ratify the resolutions made by e mail due to the Coronavirus
Proposed Cllr Jamieson, seconded Cllr Ms Barrett, and unanimously agreed
It was noted that these resolutions had been displayed on the notice Board and the website
6. Planning
a) Decisions
Planning Permission - Erection of 4no. additional poultry rearing units and siting of 4no. silos on existing agricultural site.
Valley Farm, Hemingby Lane, West Ashby, Horncastle, LN9 5PW
No Objections
Full Planning Granted
Planning Permission - Construction of a vehicular access and associated gravel parking in the front garden at existing dwelling.
1 Chestnut Close, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5RG
No Objections
Full Planning Granted
7 Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councilors
Not present
8 Finance – Cllr Devlin
a) Bills paid between Meetings
Salary – Feb/March £149.12
Inland Revenue £ 55.20
LALC – Training Course £10.80 inc £1.80 reclaimable VAT
Petty Cash stamps £7.32
LALC Subs £80.96
Proposed Cllr Jamieson, seconded Cllr Doody & unanimously agreed
b) Balance of Accounts as at 31/3/2020
Current account £4125.70 Petty Cash £1.45
c) Bills to Pay
Salary April & May £149.12
Proposed Cllr Devlin, seconded Cllr Jamieson & unanimously agreed that these bills should be paid
d) End of year accounts – this has been delayed due to COVID 19
9 The Council Debated, via email the activities it must/should/ could do, in response to COVID 19 - Cllr Jamieson
The Council had been unable to take any direct action, due to personal Circumstances and in accordance with government legislation. However, advice And emergency help line numbers had been posted on the notice board & the web site
10 Meetings - Government Legislation Update
a) Annual Parish Council Meeting – all Councilors to remain in current posts until March 2021
b) Parish Meeting – Due to the present Lockdown this meeting cannot be held, the Parish Council awaits further advice
It was unanimously agreed that a copy of the Chairman’s speech prepared for the Parish Meeting should be published on the web site
11 Agenda Items for the next meeting
Accounts Audit
Items omitted from the May agenda – due to time constraints, which will be discussed at a Zoom working party on the 3rd June
12 Next Meeting Dates Suggested
July 22nd 2020
Sept 23rd 2020
Nov 18th 2020
Jan 20th 2021
March 24th 2021
May Annual Parish Council Meeting awaiting confirmation from Councilors
Parish Meeting awaiting government advice
Meeting Closed at 6.55 pm