23 September 2020
Thimbleby Parish Council
Notes Of The Parish Council Meeting On 23rd September 2020 Beginning At 6.30pm By Way Of A Virtual Zoom Meeting
Councillors Cllr Jamieson (chair)
Cllrs Mrs. A Doody, Miss E Barrett, P Devlin M Doody
Cllr Mrs. Bradwell (LCC)
Cllr Mrs. F Martin (ELDC)
Cllr Mrs. Campbell-Wardman (ELDC)
In attendance The Clerk
The Standing Orders were suspended to allow for a 5-minute Public Participation Session
1. Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman welcomed those present.
2. Apologies for absence
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Miss. E Barrett agenda item 7 a
Cllr Devlin Cllr Jamieson agenda item 7 b
4. To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on the 22nd July 2020.
Proposed Cllr Jamieson, seconded Cllr Devlin and unanimously agreed that the minutes should be signed.
5. Clerks Report
a) The Clerk is in contact with LCC concerning quotes for the bus shelter.
b) The Clerk has received a copy of the Archer survey that was carried out on Mill Lane. It has also been sent to the resident who requested it.
6 Correspondence Received
7. Planning
a) Discussed between meetings in accordance with the Standing Orders
Planning Permission - Change of use of existing domestic curtilage to provide an amenity area for the existing village hall. Extension to existing village hall to provide a kitchen, w.c. and lobby, extension to existing attached dwelling to provide a w.c, Which are listed buildings, and erection of a 1.5m high brick wall on the site of part of the existing village hall and dwelling which are to be demolished.
Thimbleby Village Hall, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5RE
Cllr Ms. Barrett Declared an interest.
No Objections
Updated Plans
Planning Permission - Change of use of existing domestic curtilage to provide an amenity area for the existing village hall. Extension to existing village hall to provide a kitchen, w.c. and lobby, extension to existing attached dwelling to provide a w.c, Which are listed buildings, and erection of a 1.5m high brick wall on the site of part of the existing village hall and dwelling which are to be demolished.
Thimbleby Village Hall, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5RE
Cllr Miss. Barrett Declared an interest.
No Objections
b) Ref EZY/0077/20/TCA Proposed Tree Works
Old Manor House, Main Road, Thimbleby
Cllr Jamieson declared an interest
It was unanimously agreed that in future the Clerk would use the response of No Objections.
Ref/0090/20/TCA Proposed Tree Works
Hollow Park, Dawber Lane
Cllr Devlin Declared an interest.
Cllr Doody advised the Council that he had been informed of this application in his role as Footpaths & Trees Portfolio Holder, and that he had visited the site before the meeting.
No Objections
8. Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councilors
LCC Discussed Highways issues – Drains have been checked, and Cllr Mrs. Bradwell has requested that the Council monitor the situation and report any blockages to her. Previous reports made through Fixmystreet had been closed with action
Cllr Mrs. Bradwell plans to invite the highways officer to meet her and look at Poolham Lane.
Cllr Jamieson asked if LCC were obliged to provide Thimbleby with website Capability Cllr Mrs. Bradwell advised that LCC provide this service to support smaller Councils.
ELDC – Cllr Mrs. Martin - advised the Council of the new charges for car parking in Horncastle, to further encourage local shoppers.
Car Park behind the Post Office and the Market place – ½ hour free
The Wong – Free all day . Cllr Mrs. Martin stressed that those parking do need to obtain a ticket from the machines.
Cllr Mrs. Martin advised the Council that there are 2 funds available to the Parish Councils, 1 for general improvements, and one for COVID related issues, maximum grant £1000.00 per grant.
9. Finance
Cllr Devlin confirmed that the bank statement had been checked – No problems
Cllr Jamieson reported that when receiving the cheques to pay there was a blank cheque in the envelope the Clerk is to cancel cheque number 400
a) Bills to Pay
Salary August/Sept including backdated pay increase £161.64
Inland Revenue £54.18
It was unanimously agreed that these payments may be made
b) Balance of Accounts
Current account £7693.46 Petty Cash £1.45
c) The ICO direct Debit (Data protection) has been paid £35.00
d) The Annual Audit Notification of exempt status has been received
Cllr Miss. Barrett joined the meeting she apologised for the delay due to IT issues.
10 Speed watch - Cllr Doody
No Speed watch sessions have been held since the last meeting
The recent Archer Surveys on Mill lane & the Main Road in Thimbleby confirm that although there is speeding within the village it does not meet the criteria for a visit by the speed van.
Cllr Jamieson then asked if making the village more attractive see agenda item 14, would encourage drivers to slow down. Cllr Mrs. Bradwell has offered to investigate and raise this matter with the Horncastle police.
11. Risk – The Clerk
To Adopt the Council Risk Policy sent to Councillors before the meeting. It was agreed that it had not been prepared in the format requested. The Clerk noted that the format provided was that recommended by LALC. The Council discussed the biggest risk was that of being seen as an irrelevant Council that does not benefit the village residents. Prompted by the inclusion on the risk register of a mission statement that the Council did not recongnise, it was agreed to develop one
It was proposed By Cllr Jamieson seconded by Cllr Mrs. Doody that the policy be adopted, and revisited by the next meeting, unanimously agreed
12. To arrange for the Clerks Appraisal to be carried out – Cllr Mrs. Doody
Cllr Mrs. Doody reported that she is trying to arrange the Appraisal, as both Cllr Doody & Cllr Miss. Barrett were present the Clerk suggested that the booking was made at the meeting. It was agreed that the date would be set before the next meeting.
13. To Agree the way forward with setting up the new website – The Clerk
Information sent to Councillors before the meeting – There was a discussion about the need of the new website, however it was agreed that the new site is more accessible.
It was proposed by Cllr Jamieson, seconded by Cllr Miss. Barrett & unanimously agreed that the transfer work, including 5 years Minutes & Agendas should be sub contracted to Intellitech Service Ltd at a cost of £250.00
14. Improvements within the Village - Cllr Jamieson
a) To discuss the possibility of a ‘Litter pick’
Discussed – the Clerk advised that in accordance with the Councils liability Insurance, all participants need to wear a Hi Vis jacket. ELDC will loan litter pickers and hoops for an organized litter pick
b) Wildlife friendly/ wildflower verge planting.
Cllr Miss. Barrett advised that a resident is offering to plant seeds on the verges, the Clerk advised that the Council needs to have permission from the owners of the verges.
Cllrs Mrs. Martin Mrs. S Campbell-Wardman & Mrs. Bradwell left the meeting
c) Bus Shelter – quote for £2755.20 has been received from LCC preferred contactor which was sent to Councillors before the meeting. It was suggested that there is a requirement for a ramp to enable users to access the shelter safely. Cllr Jamieson will contact the contractor for advice.
It was proposed by Cllr Jamieson, seconded by Cllr Doody & unanimously agreed that provided the Council receive the grant the work should be arranged.
The Clerk will await the further quote and then apply for the grant.
15. Council ID/Strapline/Branding – Cllr Mrs. Doody
It was agreed that a mission statement should be produced – this item should be carried forward to the next agenda.
16. Sense of Community – Cllr Jamieson
The Council agreed that the idea was an objective for the Council and to develop ideas between meetings, Cllr Jamieson will send out an initial note for consideration and development. The Clerk suggested a working party.
17. Agenda Items for the next meeting
Sense of Community Action MJ
Council ID/Strapline/Branding Action AD
Mission Statement Action AD
Risk Assessment Action All Councilors/Clerk
Clerks Appraisal Pink Paper Action AD
18. Next Meeting
November 18th 2020
The Meeting Closed at 7.50 pm