18 November 2020
MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting on 18th November 2020
Beginning at 6.30pm by way of a Virtual Zoom meeting
Councillors Cllr Jamieson (chair)
Cllrs Mrs. A Doody,
Miss E Barrett, P Devlin M Doody
Cllr Mrs. Bradwell (LCC)
Cllr Mrs. F Martin (ELDC)
Cllr Mrs. Campbell-Wardman (ELDC)
In attendance The Clerk
The Standing Orders were suspended to allow for a 5-minute Public Participation Session
1. Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman welcomed those present.
2. Apologies for absence
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Miss. E Barrett, Cllr Devlin – Cemetery.
Cllr Jamieson is a member of the Friends of Thimbleby Village.
4. To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on the 23rd September 2020.
Proposed Cllr Jamieson, seconded Cllr Miss Barrett and unanimously agreed that the minutes should be signed.
5. Clerks Report
a) The Clerk has sent the official Purchase Order number to the Contractor for the bus shelter. The Parish Council has now received confirmation from LCC Highways that the Contractor does not require a permit for the works, Highways also advised that the contractor must use barriers to protect the public, but there must be room for pedestrians to get past. The Parish Council must now have a copy of the contractor’s liability insurance, and may wish to have a method statement, and a risk assessment before the work starts. The Clerk will need to advise Streetworks of the start date of the works.
b) The old website has been checked and instructions given to the contractor to begin the transfer. Noted
6 Correspondence Received
a) An email has been received from a resident concerning the purchase of a Speed |Indicating Device (SID), however this e mail was received too late to become an agenda item. To be carried forward to the next agenda
7. Planning
a) Decisions
Planning Permission - Change of use of existing domestic curtilage to provide an amenity area for the existing village hall. Extension to existing village hall to provide a kitchen, w.c. and lobby, extension to existing attached dwelling to provide a w.c, Which are listed buildings, and erection of a 1.5m high brick wall on the site of part of the existing village hall and dwelling which are to be demolished.
Cllr Ms. Barrett Declared an interest
It was also noted that the Village Hall had received listed building consent.
b) Submitted
Discussed between meetings in accordance with Standing Orders
Outline erection of 1no. dwelling with means of access and layout to be considered.
It was noted that responses should not be sent to ELDC before the Clerk’s cutoff date, as further information may become available which needs to be discussed.
8. Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councilors
ELDC Cllr Mrs. Martin confirmed that she has spoken to the other District Councilors and they are in agreement that there will be funds available to fund the ‘pump’ project.
Cllr Mrs. Martin must receive the claim before February.
LCC Cllr Mrs. Bradwell then reported on her findings concerning the beneficial effects of having planters/white gates at the entrance of the village. Evidence suggests that this does have some calming effect on speeding, she suggested that the if the Parish Council do decide to go ahead with this idea, they speak to her before applying to Highways for permission, and that an on-site meeting be convened.
Cllr Bradwell then enquired concerning agenda item 14 – Grit bins, Cllr Jamieson explained that the Council would like to more grit bins, particularly in Harper Garth for treating pathways and pedestrian ramps. however, on application to Highways the Council had been advised that the two places suggested did not score enough points for highways to provide them. Cllr Bradwell asked the clerk to provide her with the Highways Officer’s name so that she could discuss with him.
9. Finance
a) Bills to Pay
Salary October/November £153.16
Amazon (Flash Drives) £13.99 inc £2.33 reclaimable VAT
Clarks Clerical Services (Audit) £25.85
Petty Cash £20.00
Proposed Cllr Doody, seconded Cllr Devlin and unanimously agreed that these bills should be paid.
Cllr Jamieson asked why there was no cheque to the Inland revenue this month, the Clerk confirmed that payments are made quarterly.
b) Balance of Accounts
Current account £7477.64 Petty Cash £1.45
c) Half Yearly Audit – letter received by the Chairman
Cllr Jamieson read out the letter received by the Auditor – there were no actions to take.
Cllr Mrs. Bradwell gave her apologies and left the meeting as she had another Parish Council meeting to attend.
10) Speed watch - Cllr Doody
a) Report
The Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership has advised teams to stand down during the current lockdown.
b) It was proposed by Cllr Doody, seconded by Cllr Miss Barrett and unanimously agreed that the Council purchase 8 x 30 mph speed signs, together with associated fixings at a cost of £10 each, plus fixings. These will enable weathered signs to be replaced
11. To Adopt the following Policies/Statements – Sent to Councilors before the meeting.
a) Mission statement – Cllr Mrs. Doody
Proposed Cllr Jamieson, seconded Cllr Doody & unanimously agreed that the statement should be adopted.
b) Risk Policy – Cllr Jamieson.
This policy had been adopted in principal at the last meeting, there have been some amendments suggested, however comments are still awaited. In the meantime, the Clerk will reinstate the section concerning Council Assets.
c) Appraisal Policy – Cllr Mrs. Doody
Proposed Cllr Jamieson, seconded Cllr Doody and unanimously agreed that this policy should be adopted.
d) To review the following policies sent to Councillors before the meeting.
Communication & Engagement
Complaints Procedure
It was proposed by Cllr Jamieson, seconded by Cllr Devlin and unanimously agreed that these policies should be adopted for a further year.
12. Recording of Meetings – The Clerk
It was unanimously agreed that all Parish Council meetings should be recorded, and retained until the minutes were adopted. This will assist in writing accurate minutes.
The Clerk is to add details to the existing Retention policy.
13. To discuss the repointing of the Village pump walls – Cllr Jamieson
It was confirmed that the Parish Council now has a quote for re pointing the walls, it was proposed by Cllr Jamieson, and unanimously agreed that the project proceed with the grant application. Cllr Mrs. Martin offered to send the Clerk the grant application form for completion.
14. To discuss the possibility of the Parish Council purchasing extra Grit Bins – information sent to Councillors before the meeting – Cllr Jamieson
This item had already been discussed with Cllr Mrs. Bradwell, and is to be carried forward to the next agenda.
15. To Discuss the budget for the half year, and the precept for 2021/22 – Sent to Councillors before the meeting -The Clerk
A draft budget was presented which was discussed however it was agreed that there needed a great deal more work to be carried out. It was agreed therefore to bring the January meeting forward, to meet the precept claim deadline.
16. To discuss then format of the meeting of the 12th May 2021– The Clerk
Parish Council Annual meeting/ Parish Meeting.
17. Council ID/Strapline/Branding – Cllr Mrs. Doody
18. Sense of Community – Cllr Jamieson
Should the Council be undertaking activities which may enhance a sense of community for the village residents – to Discuss.
19. Agenda Items for the next meeting
Risk Assessment Policy
The Next agenda item was a Pink Paper, using a separate Zoom Meeting the Clerk did not attend
20. Report on Staff Appraisal Meeting – Cllr Mrs. Doody
Cllr Mrs. Doody provided feedback to the Council regarding the Clerk’s appraisal which was completed on Saturday 7th November.
The Council approved the objectives set for the coming year.
A review meeting with the Clerk is planned to take place in May 2021.
All Councillors and the Clerk were thanked for their input.
Next Meeting
January 6th, 2020