22 July 2020
Thimbleby Parish Council Meeting
Parish Council Meeting on 22nd July 2020 Beginning at 6.30pm by way of a Virtual Zoom meeting
Any Residents wishing to attend should e mail the clerk for joining information
The standing Orders will be suspended to allow for a 5-minute Public Participation Session
1 Chairman’s welcome
2 Apologies for absence
3 Declarations of Interest
4 To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on 6th May 2020.
5. Clerks Report
a) The Church has sent copies of the invoice paid for cemetery maintenance, which have been sent out to Councilors
b) The Clerk is now booked on a training course for the new website, and will keep the Council informed
c) The Clerk is working on a risk document for the Council, which will be sent to the Councilors for additions/ deletions
6. Finance
a) Bills paid between Meetings
Zurich Insurance £210.31
b) Bills to Pay
Salary Jun/Jul + 5 hours extra time for setting up laptop £ 188.92
Inland Revenue £55.20
Clarks Clerical Services (end of Year Audit) £27.27
c) Balance of Accounts
Current account £8728.23 Petty Cash £1.45
d) End of year accounts – sent to Councilors before the meeting
(i) The Chairman will read out the internal Auditors Report
(ii)Annual Governance Statement – to discuss Risk
(iii) Accounting Statement
(iv) To vote on the Certificate of Exemption
7. Policies & Procedures
a) To Adopt the following Policies – which have been review by all Councilors before the meeting
Social Media
Health & Safety
Equality & Diversity
Financial Regulations
b) To Renew the following policies review dates – reviewed by the Clerk
Data Protection
Data Breach
Records & Retention Subject Access procedure
8. A Request has been received from a resident for an Archer Survey to be carried out on Mill Lane – Cllr M Doody
The speed limit is not adhered to, there is also a problem with HGVs
9. The Church has requested permission to use the Parish Council’s notice board
To discuss
10. Portfolio holder for staff matters – Cllr Mrs Doody
a) Cllr Doody has recently been on an appraisal course, and has sent information to the Councilors
b) to appoint a Portfolio holder who can then set up a process for the next meeting
11. Thimbleby Bus Shelter – Cllr Jamieson
Report on the contractors visit
The Clerk has received details of funding opportunities for the repair/replacement of the shelter
12. Communications – Next News letter
To Discuss
13. Agenda Items for the next meeting
14. Next Meeting
Sept 23rd