18 November 2020
Thimbleby Parish Council Meeting
Parish Council Meeting on 18th November 2020 Beginning at 6.30pm by way of a Virtual Zoom meeting
Joining details
Thimbleby Parish Council Meeting
Time: Nov 18, 2020 06:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 773 1201 6108
Passcode: ntK0u4
The standing Orders will be suspended to allow for a 5-minute Public Participation Session
1 Chairman’s welcome
2 Apologies for absence
3 Declarations of Interest
4 To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on 23rd September 2020.
5. Clerks Report
a) The Clerk has sent the official Purchased Order number Contractor for the bus shelter.
b) The old website has been checked and instructions given to the contractor to begin the transfer.
6 Correspondence Received
7. Planning
a) Decisions
Planning Permission - Change of use of existing domestic curtilage to provide an amenity area for the existing village hall. Extension to existing village hall to provide a kitchen, w.c. and lobby, extension to existing attached dwelling to provide a w.c, Which are listed buildings, and erection of a 1.5m high brick wall on the site of part of the existing village hall and dwelling which are to be demolished.
Thimbleby Village Hall, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5RE
Cllr Ms. Barrett Declared an interest
No Objections
Full Planning Permission Granted
b) Submitted
Discussed between meetings in accordance with Standing Orders
Outline erection of 1no. dwelling with means of access and layout to be considered.
Elmlea Farm, Elmhirst Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5LX
No Objections
8. Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councilors
9. Finance
a) Bills to Pay
Salary October/November £153.16
Amazon (Flash Drives) £13.99 inc £2.33 reclaimable VAT
Clarks Clerical Services (Audit) £25.85
Petty Cash £20.00
b) Balance of Accounts
Current account £7477.64 Petty Cash £1.45
c) Half Yearly Audit – letter received by the Chairman
10) Speed watch - Cllr Doody
a) Report
b) To discuss the purchase of 8 30 mph speed signs.
11. To Adopt the following Policies/Statements – Sent to Councilors before the meeting.
a) Mission statement – Cllr Mrs. Doody
b) Risk Policy – Cllr Jamieson.
c) Appraisal Policy – Cllr Mrs. Doody
d) To review the following policies
Communication & Engagement
Complaints Procedure
12. Recording of Meetings – The Clerk
13. To discuss the repointing of the Village pump walls – Cllr Jamieson
14. To discuss the possibility of the Parish Council purchasing extra Grit Bins – information sent to Councilors before the meeting – Cllr Jamieson
15. To Discuss the budget for the half year, and the precept for 2021/22 – The Clerk
16. To discuss then format of the meeting of the 12th May 2021– The Clerk
Parish Council Annual meeting/ Parish Meeting
17. Council ID/Strapline/Branding – Cllr Mrs. Doody
18. Sense of Community – Cllr Jamieson
Should the Council be undertaking activities which may enhance a sense of community for the village residents – to Discuss
19. Agenda Items for the next meeting
The Next agenda item is a Pink Paper, the Public & The Clerk will be asked to leave
20. Report on Staff Appraisal Meeting – Cllr Mrs. Doody
Next Meeting
January 20th 2020