23 September 2020

Thimbleby Parish Council Meeting


Parish Council Meeting on 23rd September 2020 Beginning at 6.30pm by way of a Virtual Zoom meeting

Joining details

Parish Council Meeting

Time: Sep 23, 2020 06:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 750 9226 2948

Passcode: fjN6Sw

The standing Orders will be suspended to allow for a 5-minute Public Participation Session




1 Chairman’s welcome


2 Apologies for absence


3 Declarations of Interest


4 To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on 22nd July 2020

5. Clerks Report

a) The Clerk is in contact with LCC concerning quotes for the bus shelter

b) The Clerk has received a copy of the Archer survey that was carried out on Mill Lane. It has also been sent to the resident who requested it.


6 Correspondence Received



7. Planning

a) Discussed between meetings in accordance with the Standing Orders


Planning Permission - Change of use of existing domestic curtilage to provide an amenity area for the existing village hall. Extension to existing village hall to provide a kitchen, w.c. and lobby, extension to existing attached dwelling to provide a w.c, Which are listed buildings, and erection of a 1.5m high brick wall on the site of part of the existing village hall and dwelling which are to be demolished.

Thimbleby Village Hall, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5RE

Cllr Ms. Barrett Declared an interest

No Objections

b) Ref EZY/0077/20/TCA Proposed Tree Works

Old Manor House, Main Road, Thimbleby

Cllr Jamieson declared an interest



8. Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councilors


9. Finance

a) Bills to Pay

Salary August/Sept including backdated pay increase £161.64

Inland Revenue £54.18

b) Balance of Accounts

Current account £7693.46 Petty Cash £1.45

c) The ICO direct Debit (Data protection) has been paid £35.00

d) The Annual Audit Notification of exempt status has been received


10 Speed watch

a) Report -Cllr Doody


11. Risk – The Clerk

To Adopt the Council Risk Policy sent to Councilors before the meeting


12. To arrange for the Clerks Appraisal to be carried out – Cllr Mrs. Doody


13. To Agree the way forward with setting up the new web site – The Clerk

Information sent to Councilors before the meeting


14. Village Appearance - Cllr Jamieson

a) To discuss the possibility of a ‘Litter pick’

b) Wildlife friendly/ wildflower verge planting

c)The Clerk has received details of funding opportunities for the repair/replacement of the shelter


15. Council ID/Strapline/Branding – Cllr Mrs. Doody


16. Sense of Community – Cllr Jamieson

Should the Council be undertaking activities which may enhance a sense of community for the village residents – to Discuss


17. Agenda Items for the next meeting


18. Next Meeting

November 18th, 2020