Post COVID meeting arrangements
Post COVID Meeting Arrangments
Thimbleby Parish Council
Guidance for Attending Parish Council Meetings – Post COVID-19 lockdowns 2021
The Thimbleby Parish Council will return to formal meetings at the Thimbleby Village Hall commencing with the Parish Council Meeting on the 14th 2021.
The way the meetings will be structured will be different and so you are asked to read this leaflet before attending the meeting. A Risk assessment has been carried out.
Personal Wellbeing and Safety for All;
If on the days preceding or on the day of the meeting you are unwell, have a temperature, a cough etc. PLEASE STAY AT HOME.
Anyone attending the meeting will be required to provide their name and a telephone number in case we need to inform you of a person attending becoming ill. If you yourself become ill in the week after the meeting, you must contact the Parish Clerk Christine Newton on 01790-753364 in order that we can contact others who also attended. An attendance form will be available near the door as you enter the meeting room - Please use your own pen or pencil. All personal details will be destroyed after 21 days in accordance with GRPR guidelines.
When you arrive at the meeting social distancing and sanitising rules will apply.
Hand sanitiser will be placed on a table by the entrance/exit door. Please use it on the way in and as you leave the meeting room.
Please bring your own mask to the meeting. Masks are to be worn during the meeting although those who suffer breathing difficulties need not wear masks.
The meeting room will be ventilated throughout the meeting so please come suitably attired as it might be cooler in the room than normal.
Once in the Meeting Room;
Once in the room please move directly to a designated chair observing social distancing at all times. All chairs and other equipment will be sanitised in advance of the meeting.
Chairs will be placed in pairs – Please use the right-hand chair only. The other is for your convenience for the placing of any papers you may wish to bring to the meeting. DO NOT allow anyone from outside your immediate “Personal Bubble” to occupy the second chair.
At the end of the meeting the Chairperson will encourage you to leave immediately taking all your personal papers and belongings with you. Please observe social distancing. We hope that you will enjoy conversation and social chatting once you are outside the building. Please do not linger in the meeting room.
Equipment and the room will be sanitised and tidied by a designated member of the Council so please do not feel obliged to “stay and help”. This is to ensure safety for all.
Meeting Conduct;
It is intended that the meeting will only cover essential Council business and you are asked to keep verbal presentations and injects to a minimum. Written reports and statement circulated to all participants in advance of the meeting would be appreciated and helpful in this respect.
During the meeting Councillor’s strict meeting conduct (as per standing orders) will be observed. Councillor’s will only be permitted to speak once on any Agenda Item unless you are the lead for that item whereupon the Chairperson may invite you to summarise any matters that arise during the preceding discussions of that item. Please do not interrupt or speak over other councillors. Anyone wishing to speak on an item should indicate so to the Chairperson by raising a hand. You will be invited to speak in turn.
Some of the normal less contentious items will be presented as a matter of report only!
Roads and Highways – Reporting of new and discussion of old matters or issues. If you have a new matter to report, please do it yourself using Fix my Street App (See Council website). If this is not possible then please present a written report with full details and photographs for our Clerk to put on the app.
Parish Councillor’s – It would be advisable that any matters from your personal representative activity to be reported should be written up or summarised and circulated prior to the meeting.
District & County Councillor’s – We would be most grateful if your report could be summarised in writing and sent ahead of the meeting. You will be allocated a short time slot to cover any important information.
Planning Applications – Should be dealt with using the between meeting provisions in our standing orders. Long protracted discussions at the meeting are to be avoided if possible.
Socially distance space will be limited within the meeting room. If you wish to attend to observe the meeting or to advise the Council of any concerns you wish to bring to their attention, please contact the Parish Clerk in advance.
The Clerk will advise you of protocol, invite you to submit a report in writing and allocate a place for you to attend if at all possible.
The meeting room capacity is 16, including Councillors and Officers, therefore if there are more residents wishing to attend, than spaces available the meeting will be closed.