27th April 2023

Dear Councillors

I hereby summons you to an extraordinary meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council on 27th April 2023 starting at 6.45pm in the Meeting Room, Sir Joseph Banks Centre, 9-13 Bridge Street, Horncastle LN9 5HZ.  If you cannot attend, please notify me with a reason for your absence.   The agenda is attached below.


Signed: A. Everard                                          Date: 22nd April 2023

Clerk to Thimbleby Parish Council





1. Election of Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council


2. To resolve to open a period of public participation of not more than 15 minutes for any members of the public to ask questions or raise local issues.


3. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate.


4. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations


5. To elect Vice Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council (if vacant).


6. To adopt the draft minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 8th March 2023.


7. To note the draft minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting of 8th March 2023.


8. To consider any matters arising from the previous meeting 8th March 2023  not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.


9. Correspondence Received

LALC E-News (two-weekly); Police Reports(monthly); ELDC/LCC Town and Parish News;  letters from 23 residents of Mill Lane regarding locations of Speed Indicator Devices; ELDC Returning Officer Notices of Validly Nominated Candidates.


   10. Planning

To approve comments submitted in respect of new ELDC planning applications responded to between meetings and new applications to consider and to receive updates on progress of previous applications:

  • Application reference S/181/02111/22 and S/181/02112/22 Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to the existing dwelling (which is a Grade II* Listed Building) to provide additional living accommodation on the site of part of the existing dwelling which is to be demolished.  White Cottage, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5RE

Comments – No objection

ELDC decision – Approved with conditions.                    

  • LCC reference: pl/0144/22 development: to vary condition 11 of planning permission s/049/01560/19 to allow construction traffic and HCV tankers to access the site via Hungram Lane rather than Edlington Road. Location: Woodbecks Farm, Edlington Road, Edlington.

Comments – No Objections

Lincolnshire County Council decision: Approved.

  • Application reference S/181/00102/23 Planning Permission - Erection of a double garage with office & store over. Pentlands, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5RE

Comments – Neither supported or objected to commercial unit.

ELDC decision – Approved with conditions.

  • Application reference S/181/00186/23 Planning Permission - Erection of 1 detached dwelling with garage. Elmlea Farm, Elmhirst Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5LX

Comments – No Objections.

ELDC decision – Approved with conditions.

  • Application reference S/181/00780/23 Planning Permission - Erection of 2 no. dwellings with garages. Elmlea Farm, Elmhirst Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5LX – NEW - comments by 14/5/2023.


11. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors


12. Finance

a) To approve the payment of bills paid between meetings and bills to pay on the payment schedule.

b) To note the bank reconciliation and account balance.

c) To receive the intermediate internal auditor’s report and approve actions to be taken.

d) To consider bank signatories and approve any ongoing procedures.

e) Approval of regular ongoing payments to be made by the Council (if inquorate) and by Standing Order/ Direct Debit if necessary.


 13. To consider and approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022-23

a) To receive the internal auditor’s statement and approve any actions to be taken.

b) To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2022-23

c) To consider and approve the Accounting Statement 2022-23

d) To consider and approve the Certificate of Exemption 2022-23

e) To note and approve the publication of documents and exercise of public rights from 5th June to 14th July 2023 on the parish council’s website and noticeboards.


14. Purchase of Speed Indicator Devices and approval of ongoing delegated management and maintenance arrangements.


15. To consider potential co-options, election arrangements 2023 and publicity.


16. To review and approve the Asset Register and Risk Register.


17. To approve a Communications/ Social Media Policy and a Volunteer Policy.


18. To approve delegations to the Proper Officer (the Clerk) and Responsible Financial Officer in the event the parish council is inquorate from May 9th 2023.


19. To note the date of the Annual Meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council - 10th May 2023 and approve potential meeting places and payment of costs.