26th June 2024

Dear Councillors,

I hereby summons you to the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council on 26th June 2024 starting at 11.30am with a public participation period for 10 minutes prior to the parish council meeting starting at 11.20am in Thimbleby Village Hall.  If you cannot attend, please notify me with a reason for your absence.   The agenda is attached below.


Signed: A. Everard                                          Date: 21/6/2024

Clerk to Thimbleby Parish Council





Public Participation of not more than 10 minutes for any members of the public to ask questions or raise local issues.


  1. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate.


  1. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations


  1. Finance

a) To approve the payment of bills paid between meetings and bills to pay on the payment schedule

b) To note the bank reconciliation and account balance.

c) To receive, consider and approve cash book income and expenditure 2023-24 statements and asset register for publication.

d) To receive the Annual Internal Audit Report (if available) and approve publication.

e) To receive, consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2023-24 and for the Chair and Clerk to sign.

f) To receive, consider and approve the bank reconciliation, variance analysis and the Annual Accounting Statement 2023-24 and for the Chair to sign

g) To approve the dates of electors’ rights to be exercised Monday 1st July – Friday 9th August 2024.

f) To approve the Certificate of Exemption (if applicable) and publication of documents on the parish council’s website to meet obligations specified in the Council’s Publication scheme, Transparency Code and Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.

  1. To approve the rebuilding valuation of council assets for insurance purposes.
  2. To consider and approve any nominees for co-option.
  3. To approve any bookings for training.
  4. To review items for the parish newsletter - Summer 2024 (after the General Election)
  5. To approve the redecoration of noticeboards for £50 to be completed while other decoration is completed in July.
  6. To note date of next meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council – 10th July 2024 and to approve the venue while Thimbleby Village Hall is undergoing building works and any items to be proposed for the agenda.