5th March 2025

Dear Councillors 
I hereby summons you to the Parish Council Meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council on 5th March 2025 starting at 6.45pm with a public participation period of up to 15 minutes prior to the parish council meeting starting at 7.00pm in Thimbleby Village Hall.  If you cannot attend, please notify me with a reason for your absence.   The agenda is below.
Signed: A. Everard Date: 28/2/2025
Clerk to Thimbleby Parish Council
1. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate.
2. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations
3. To adopt the draft minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 29th January 2025.
4. To consider any matters arising from the previous meetings 29th January 2025 not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.
5. Correspondence Received
LALC E-News; LALC Training Bulletin; ELDC/LCC Town and Parish News; ELDC Social Media posts; Ossian Wind Farm Development consultation; Email from Horncastle History & Heritage Society regarding street renaming issues on Thimbleby Hill; LRSP Community Speed watch newsletter; The Great British Spring Clean 25th March – 6th April.
6. Planning – plans can be viewed on https://www.e-lindsey.gov.uk/applications 
To approve comments submitted in respect of new ELDC planning applications responded to between meetings and new applications to consider and to receive updates on progress of previously considered applications:
• Application reference S/181/01013/23 and S/181/01014/23     Planning VILLAGE FARM, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE
Thimbleby PC: Objection with comments.
ELDC Decision: Decision awaited.
• Application reference S/181/00034/24 | Planning Permission - Erection of HALLGARTH FARM, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE
Thimbleby PC: Support with comments
ELDC Decision: Decision awaited
• EN0210006 - Application by Ossian Offshore Windfarm Limited (the applicant) for an Order granting Development Consent for the Ossian Transmission Infrastructure – NEW https://national-infrastructure-consenting.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/EN0210006 
7. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors
8. To consider any highways, footpath and related issues.
a) To receive an update on the Council’s Community Speed Watch and to note the LRSP Community Speed Watch Newsletter.
b) To consider the reports from Thimbleby Speed Indicator Devices.
c) To receive updates on the installation of the replacement noticeboard.
d) To consider other highway and footpath issues raised in the parish. 
9. Finance
a) To approve the payment of bills paid between meetings and bills to pay on the payment schedule. 
b) To note the bank reconciliation and account balance. 
c) To consider changes to the bank signatory mandate and electronic banking.
d) To consider any grants and donations for 2024/25 financial year.
e) To consider the risk register for Thimbleby Parish Council.
10. Emergency Planning: 
a) To consider Community Emergency Planning for the parish of Thimbleby.
b) To consider the S.19 Flood Investigation Report for Thimbleby and LCC Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee Report on Storms Babet and Henk. 
11. Training: To approve any bookings for training and potential costs. 
12. Next Meetings: To consider items for the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting of Electors immediately followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council of Thimbleby Parish Council – Wednesday 7th May 2025 6.30pm. 
13. Confidential items: To resolve that, under Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following agenda item due to its confidential nature.
14. Procurement: To consider estimates/quotations for completing work on the Village Pump Wall from Paige Contracting Ltd and R W Pinkett Building Contractors Limited.