7 May 2019 - Annual Parish Council Meeting
Thimbleby Parish Council
Minutes Of The Annual Parish Council Meeting Held On Tuesday 7th May 2019
Cllr M Jamieson (Chairman)
Cllrs Doody, Devlin & Cllr Mrs Doody
Cllr Mrs Bradwell (LCC)
Cllrs Mrs Martin (ELDC)
Cllr Mrs Campbell Wardman (ELDC)
In Attendance Mrs C Newton (Clerk)
3 Members of the public
Mr S Ireland (Retiring Chair) opened the meeting
1 Apologies for absence
2 Acceptance of Office were signed in front of the Clerk
3 Election of Chairman
Mr. Ireland then asked for nominations for Chairman Cllr Doody proposed, Cllr Devlin seconded, and it was unanimously agreed that Cllr Jamieson become the Chairman
Cllr Jamieson accepted and sign the Acceptance of Office, and Mr. Ireland joined the public
4 Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Jamieson proposed, Cllr Devlin seconded, and it was unanimously agreed that Cllr Mrs. Doody become the Vice Chair person
Cllr Mrs. Doody accepted and sign the Acceptance of Office
5 To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on the 14th February 2019, it was unanimously agreed that these should be signed
6 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Jamieson declared an interest in item 9
7 Matters to Report from last meeting
8 Correspondence Received
a) Community Lincs – Insurance – It was unanimously agreed that this should be paid
b) Emergency Planning
The Clerk will arrange a date for a presentation
9 Planning
a) To Discuss
Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a ground floor enlarged kitchen and utility room with a first-floor bedroom and bathroom over.
Garth House, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5RE
No Objections
10 Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councilors
LCC Cllr Mrs. Bradwell introduced herself, and updated everyone on highways issues, she also gave some background information on the Emergency Plan, and it w3as agreed to invite Steve Harris to a future meeting to give a presentation
ELDC Cllrs Mrs. Martin & Mrs. Campbell Wardman introduced themselves, as Councillors for the Horncastle ward, and gave a brief breakdown of their responsibilities
11 Finance
a) Bills paid between Meetings
W Goodwin - speed gun £165.00
Protect Services - sign £ 96.84 inc £16.14 Reclaimable VAT
Howsafe- clothing £49.50 inc 8.25 Reclaimable VAT
b) Bills to be paid
Salary March £72.62
Salary April May
Inland Revenue £54.00
LALC – Membership £76.58
Proposed Cllr Mrs. Doody seconded by Cllr Jamieson & unanimously agreed that these bills should be paid
c) Bank £3968.04, Petty Cash £8.77
d) ICO Membership
e) New banking mandate
The Clerk will arrange for a new mandate to include all Councillors, with 2 to sign, in the meantime the previous Councillors will continue to sign
12 Highways
a) Reported
343440 Flooding outside Chatsworth – Still outstanding Cllr Bradwell will take this forward, together with any outstanding items on Fix My Street
13 Speed watch Cllr Doody
All equipment has been received and areas have now been identified,
There is a possibility that more signs may be required later, this will be considered if a request is made
14 Training
Councillors will send their requests for training to the clerk and a decision will be made as to whether the Council should join the training scheme which will mean that there will be a considerable saving
15 Agenda Items for the next meeting
Annual Audit
Grit boxes
Harper Garth Bus Shelter
16 Dates of Meetings
It was agreed to have bi monthly meetings, on a Tuesday night.
The Clerk will deal with the booking clerk, and report back
Meeting Closed at 9.30 pm