18 June 2019
Thimbleby Parish Council
Minutes Of The Council Meeting Held Being At 7.30 Pm On The 18th June 2019 At Thimbleby Village Hall
Cllr M Jamieson
Cllr Mrs A Doody, M Doody & P Devlin
PCSO Nigel Wass
In Attendance Mrs C Newton (Clerk)
1 Member of the public
1 Apologies for absence
Cllr Mrs Bradwell (LCC) Cllrs Mrs Martin & Cllr Mrs Campbell Wardman (ELDC)
2 Declarations of Interest
3 To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on the 7th May 2019 – It was unanimously agreed that these should be signed
4 Matters to Report from last meeting
5 Correspondence Received
LCC – Advance Notification of Bridge Refurbishment.
6 Correspondence Received
a) Zurich Policy and Employers liability Certificate Received - Noted
b) 3rd Resilience Communities Conference – Sent to Cllrs before the meeting - Noted
c) LALC Conference & AGM cost £20 including lunch, sent to Councillors before the meeting
It was proposed by Cllr M Doody seconded by Cllr Jamieson and unanimously agreed that Cllr Devlin should attend
7 Planning
a) Decision
Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a ground floor enlarged kitchen and utility room with a first-floor bedroom and bathroom over.
Garth House, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5RE
No Objections
Full Planning Permission Granted
b) ELDC - Planning Consultation
Letter received from ELDC requesting the Parish Council confirm in writing the arrangements for planning consultations
It was proposed by Cllr Jamieson, seconded by Cllr M Doody,
That the Parish Council wish to be consulted on Applications electronically, however do reserve the right to request Paper plans if the Council feels it is necessary, and unanimously agreed,
The Parish Council made this decision to assist with ELDCs wish to reduce paper and postage costs
8 Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councilors
Not present
9 Finance
a) Bills to be paid
Salary June £74.56
Clarks Clerical Services - Internal Audit £24.00
LALC – Guides for Councillors £20.98 inc 0.58 reclaimable VAT
Printing of flyers to advertise Councillor vacancy £15.00 including £2.50 reclaimable VAT
b) Income
Precept received £3650.00 - Noted
c) Bank Balance £7063.67, Petty Cash £8.77 - Noted
d) Budget
The budget had been sent to Councillors before the meeting, and the Clerk took questions
It was agreed that the Council would like to see details of the grass verge cutting undertaken by LCC
The £450 grant to the Church for churchyard grass cutting was discussed and the reasons for this questioned
Councillor Devlin declared an interest but argued for retention of the grant
e) Asset Register
It was confirmed that the speed gun equipment had been added to the Asset register. A discussion concerning the bins, benches, bus shelters & lighting also took place. The Clerk will investigate how to add these items to the asset register
It was agreed that the Clerk should investigate obtaining salt bins for the top of Harper Garth and the top of Thimbleby Hill
f) Annual Governance & Accountability Return – sent to Councillors before the meeting
(i) To Sign the Certificate of exemption
It was discussed as to whether as a new Council a request for a full audit at an estimated cost of £200 should be made
It was proposed by Cllr Devlin, seconded by Cllr Mrs Doody & unanimously agreed that the certificate should be signed
(ii) To complete & sign the Annual Governance Statement
It was proposed by Cllr Doody, seconded by Cllr Devlin & unanimously agreed that the governance statement should be signed
(iii) To complete & sign the Accounting statements
It was proposed by Cllr Doody, seconded by Cllr Mrs Doody & unanimously agreed that the accounting statement should be signed
g) To sign the bank mandate
It was agreed that all Councillors should be included on the bank mandate, with 2 to sign all cheques.
10 Speed watch Cllr Doody
It is hoped that the team will be able to begin checking speeds in July.
Cllr Doody had e mailed Lincolnshire Police thanking them for their assistance in this matter, and received a positive reply
11 Highways
The following outstanding reports have been sent to Cllr Bradwell who will investigate them – Cllr Bradwell was not present
351640 349186 Fixed
4124600 349185 Fixed
351297 349184 Fixed
Cllr Jamieson advised the meeting of the reference numbers that had been fixed, and noted that he had written to Cllr Bradwell, asking her to thank the relevant division of LCC. Cllr Mrs Doody spoke of her concern that the Parish Council does not have the power to address highways issues, so reporting these may appear disingenuous. Meeting resolved to make this clear in the meeting minutes, to cease listing the issues, encourage residents to report issues through Fixmystreet which is easy to use
12 Training
a) The Parish Council has joined the training scheme for the year at a cost of £78 inc reclaimable VAT
The Council will however need to pay for lunches separately at
£9.00 +VAT
This is a large saving as individual courses are charged at
Full Day £28.50 Half day £ 12.50
13 Policies & Procedures
To Adopt the Following Policies – sent to Councillors before the meeting
Co Option
Proposed by Cllr Jamieson, seconded Cllr Doody and unanimously agreed that this policy should be adopted
Code of Conduct
Cllr Jamieson stated that he felt the current Code of Conduct. document is too wordy, as it regurgitates rather than references disclosable pecuniary interests, but that as NALC are seeking to develop a national code this council is not minded spending time revisiting at this stage
Therefore, Cllr Jamieson proposed, Cllr Doody seconded that this policy should be adopted – unanimously agreed
14 Co Option Arrangements - Cllr Jamieson
There had been one application for the Councillor vacancy, however, this applicant is unable attend meetings on a Tuesday night
It was proposed by Cllr Jamieson, seconded by Cllr Devlin that arrangements are made to alter the meeting night to a Wednesday unanimously agreed
15 General Housekeeping - Cllr Jamieson
To include – e mail addresses, group e mail address website
It was proposed by Cllr Devlin seconded by Cllr Mrs Doody and unanimously agreed that the Parish Council would continue using the Parish Council e mail address, with the Clerk acting as a post box there would be no group e mail at this time
Cllr Jamieson stated that he cannot guarantee security of his domestic email, therefore no personal information should be sent to him by email.
16 Communication Strategy – Cllr Jamieson
It was agreed that there is a need for a communication Policy, Cllr Jamieson will prepare a document and circulate for discussion
And adoption at the next meeting
17 Lap Top – The Clerk
The Clerk advised that a laptop is required, and the funds have already been set aside, the Clerk also advised that she uses Lap tops for other Councils
Cllr Jamieson voiced his concerns about spending public money on an asset until the Parish Council is clear on how this is to be setup from a security, anti-virus, data storage, password management, acceptable use perspective; and therefore, Cllr Jamieson will contact LALC / ELDC to determine whether they can offer any training in these areas
18 Councillor Feedback
Cllr Mrs Doody gave a brief outline on the Emergency Planning Course she attended. There will be a need to involve many volunteers, and there is a possibility that a welcome pack may be required
19 Agenda Items for the next meeting
Verge/Grass Cutting
New Internal Auditor
Communication Policy
20 Arrangements for the September Meeting
September 24th beginning at 7 pm with a presentation from Steve Harris on the Emergency plan
Meeting Closed at 10.13 pm