24 September 2019
Thimbleby Parish Council
Minutes Of The Council Meeting Held At 7.15 Pm On The 24th September 2019 At Thimbleby Village Hall
Cllr M Jamieson
Cllr Mrs A Doody, M Doody & P Devlin
Cllr Mrs Martin (ELDC)
Cllr Mrs Campbell Wardman (ELDC)
In Attendance Mrs C Newton (Clerk)
1 Member of the public
The Meeting began with a 15-minute public participation session
1 Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone present
2 Apologies for absence
Cllr Mrs Barrett Cllr Mrs Bradwell (LCC)
These absences were formally approved, by vote, having considered and accepted the reasons for absence
3 Declarations of Interest
4 To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on the 18th June 2019 – It was unanimously agreed that these should be signed
5 Matters to Report from last meeting
The Council received one application for co option
Mrs Barrett has signed her acceptance of office in the presence of The Chairman. Cllr Barrett is unable to attend on a Tuesday night due to other commitments, therefore future meetings will take place on a Wednesday
6 Correspondence Received
a) Planning applications – acknowledgement received from ELDC concerning the Parish Councils wishes on how to be consulted on Planning applications
It was noted that since advising Planning of the Council’s decision to accept electronic material, the clerk has received 2 paper copies of plans. The Clerk will advise ELDC accordingly
b) Invitation to the Rural Conference – sent to Councillors before the meeting
c) Corporate Strategy Workshops – sent to Councillors before the meeting
Cllr Jamieson has requested a place on the 7th October workshop
Cllr Mrs Barrett and Cllr Mrs Doody are unable to attend
No further interest
d) The Rural Bulletin – sent to Councillors before the meeting
e) LALC County Committee Nomination Form – details sent to Councillors before the meeting
7 Planning
Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a porch, replacement roof and enlarged kitchen on site of part of the existing dwelling which is to be demolished and erection of a detached single garage on the site of the existing garage which is to be demolished
North Cottage, North Street, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5RE
No Objections unanimously agreed
Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide an enlarged and an additional bedroom and an entrance porch.
Spindrift, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5RB
No Objections unanimously agreed
8 Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councilors
LCC Not present
ELDC Cllr Mrs Martin advised that ELDC are considering a move from Manby to Horncastle. The Council was also advised that the community grant is available again this year – applications should be sent via the Clerk, Cllr Martin also advised that the grant was available to other organizations including the Village Hall
9 Finance
a) Bills Paid Between Meetings
July Salary £74.56
Inland Revenue £55.20
Unanimously agreed
b) Bills to pay
ELDC – Non contested Election £48.50
Halton Holegate – printing £31.90
LALC – lunch £10.80
Councillors mileage (to attend a course) £33.30
Salary Aug/Sept £149.12
Councillor mileage claim (to attend a course) £22.50
It was unanimously agreed that these bills should be paid
c) Direct Debit Payment
Information Commissioners Office £35.00
d) Funds Received
VAT refund £ 79.39
e) Balance of Accounts
Current account £6570.14 Petty Cash £8.77
f) Annual Audit – Notification of exempt status received
g) To appoint Internal Auditor
Proposed Cllr Doody seconded Cllr Mrs Doody and unanimously agreed that we should continue with Clarks Clerical Services for a further 3 years
g) To sign Bank Mandate
The Clerk requested that it was minuted that it was not good practice for 2 Councillors in the same household should be authorized signatories
All 5 Councillors were added to the mandate, and it was confirmed that the Clerk is the Responsible Financial Officer and therefore signed the mandate as the Proper Officer
The mandate was completed and held over for Cllr Mrs Barrett to sign
h) The Pensions regulator update – new secondary contact
The Clerk explained that the Pensions Regulator required a secondary contact, now that there is a new Council – Cllr Devlin offered to be the contact – unanimously agreed
10 Speed watch
a) Report -Cllr Doody
There have now been 2 session carried out and the information has been sent to the Speed watch Co Ordinator, a further session has been planned
b) To discuss the need to have this item as a set agenda item
Although this is a community project which is not run by the Parish Council, and in accordance with Data Protection exact details cannot be discussed, it was proposed by Cllr Jamieson, seconded by Cllr Devlin and unanimously agreed that a brief update should be given at each meeting, and a full update should be given at the annual Parish Meeting
11 Footpaths & Highways
a) Reported
4126577 – Awaiting delivery of Grit Bin
353140 – Pavement impassable due to weeds – is this a footpath? Should it be reported to Countryside access
It was agreed that the Clerk should escalate these items through Cllr Mrs Bradwell: the Council’s concern being that without adequate LCC management, the footpath will become impassable every year.
b) Verge cutting – details re the verge cutting within the village
The map sent to the Council from LCC is not clear the clerk will request further details. At the same time the Clerk will confirm the schedule for the private contractor
12 Tree Charter – Cllr Jamieson
Councillors had already seen the information concerning the Tree Charter
It was proposed by Cllr Jamieson, seconded Cllr Doody & unanimously agreed that the Council should sign up to the charter
13 Policies & Procedures
a) Introduction to Portfolio Holders - The Clerk
The use of Portfolio Holders within a small Council were explained by the Clerk
The principle of Portfolio Holders was agreed
b) To Propose Portfolio holders for Staff Matters & Finance
Cllr Devlin proposed himself as Finance Portfolio holder, seconded
Cllr Jamieson, and unanimously agreed
It was agreed that further Portfolio Holders should be appointed at the next meeting when all Councillors were present
c)To discuss the draft Standing Orders and amendments to enable adoption at the next meeting
Discussed –
In principle the Parish Council agreed to accept the draft Standing
It was agreed that 2 sections should be added concerning the production of notes, and Councillor preparation between meetings should be added. It was also agreed that a section concerning
Planning applications between meetings should be added however the Clerk is awaiting further advice from LALC over this. Further work on dates and times is required and Cllr Devlin offered to undertake, the draft document will be sent to Councillors before the next meeting
There is also a need for an updated Complaints policy Cllr Jamieson will distribute the draft policy to all Councillors before the next meeting
d) Communication Policy – Cllr Jamieson
Discussed – Cllr will bring this policy to the next meeting for adoption
14 Lap Top – The Clerk
The Clerk has been asked to get quotes for the following
Laptop accessories, software and virus protection
9.30 pm in accordance with Standing Orders it was unanimously agreed that the meeting should continue
15. Future Meetings
a) Emergency Plan Presentation - Steve Harris has penciled the PC in for the next meeting, Clerk needs to confirm
Confirmed It was agreed that there would not be a leaflet drop for this presentation
b) Plans for the Parish Meeting and the annual Parish Council meeting
20th May 2020
16 Councillor Feedback
Cllr Jamieson reported that the LALC courses he had attended were excellent
Cllr Doody & Cllr Mrs Doody requested that they be booked on the new Councillors Training evening on the 20th November – Clerk to confirm
A discussion took place over the cost of the lunch at all day training events, Cllr Jamieson is meeting the cost of his lunch out of his own pocket; the general opinion was that Councillors could take a packed lunch. The Clerk will investigate
17 Agenda Items for the next meeting
Content of the First Communication with residents,
How can the Council enhance the lives of the residents – Cllr Jamieson
Adoption of the following policies
Standing Orders. Complaints, Communication
Lap Top & Risk Assessment
Parish Meeting & Parish Council Annual Meeting – dates
Finance & Precept
Use of the Parish Council Notice Boards
Meeting closed at 9.55 pm