13th July 2022

Dear Councillors

I hereby summons you to the Parish Council Meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council on 13th July2022 starting at 6.45pm in the Village Hall. If you cannot attend please notify me with a reason for your absence. The agenda is attached below.

Signed: A. Everard                                          Date: 8th July 2022

Clerk to Thimbleby Parish Council





Welcome by the Chair

A 15-minute Public Participation Session will take place before the formal meeting begins for any members of the public present to ask questions and make representations about items on the agenda.


1. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate


2. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations


3. To sign as correct the draft minutes from the last Parish Council meeting held on 11th May 2022.


4. To consider any matters arising from the previous meeting 11th May 2022 not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.


5. To consider and approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021-22

a) To receive the internal auditor’s report and approve any actions to be taken.

b) To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2021-22

c) To consider and approve the Accounting Statement 2021-22

d) To consider and approve the Certificate of Exemption 2021-22

e) To note and approve the publication of documents and exercise of public rights from 1st July to 11th August 2022 on the parish council’s website.

6. Correspondence Received

LALC E-News; Police Reports; Lincolnshire County Council Traffic Regulation Order; County Views Survey Results; ELDC Town and Parish News; Zurich Insurance; Dyson Farm Walks..

   7. Planning

To approve comments submitted in respect of new ELDC planning applications responded to between meetings and new applications to consider and to receive updates on progress of previous applications:

  • Application reference S/181/02652/21 Planning Permission - Erection of a detached garage building with annexe accommodation above HILLCREST, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LINCOLNSHIRE, LN9 5RB

Response - No Objections

ELDC Decision – approved – 20th May 2022


  • Application reference S/181/00463/22 Planning Permission - Erection of 3no. detached dwellings. ELMLEA FARM, ELMHIRST ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5LX

Response – No Objections

ELDC Decision – awaited


  • Application reference S/181/00775/22 Planning Permission - Erection of an agricultural storage building, existing building on site to be demolished. MILESTONE FARM, LINCOLN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5LY

Response – No Objections

ELDC Decision – approved – 22nd June 2022


  • Application reference S/181/00989/22 Planning Permission - Erection of a dormer bungalow with integral garage and a carport, existing dwelling on site to be demolished. RAYBECCA, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RB

Response – No Objections

ELDC Decided – awaited


  • Application reference S/181/01133/22 Planning Permission - Change of use of land to form a 5no. pitch caravan site (works already completed). DURHAM OX, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RB



   8. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors


   9. Finance

a) To receive the insurance quotation and approve renewal

b) To approve the payment of bills paid between meetings and bills to pay on the payment schedule.

c) To note the balance of the council’s bank account.

d) Petty Cash £15.98 unaccounted for and to be written off.

e) To review the Asset Register and propose updates for 2022-23 and planned maintenance.


10. Speed watch - Cllr Doody

Report on sessions held.


 11.To consider the feedback from Dyson Environmental Farm Walk and the next steps.


12. Newsletter

Plans for next edition


13. Agenda Items for the next meeting

To review policies and approve any amendments

New Code of Conduct; Amend Standing Orders, Amend Financial Regulations


Next Meeting September 7th 2022