6 January 2021
Thimbleby Parish Council
MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting on 6th January 2021
Beginning at 6.30pm by way of a Virtual Zoom meeting
Councillors Cllr Jamieson (chair)
Cllrs Mrs. A Doody, Miss E Barrett, P Devlin M Doody
Cllr Mrs. Bradwell (LCC)
Cllr Mrs. F Martin (ELDC)
In attendance The Clerk
The Standing Orders were suspended to allow for a 5-minute Public Participation Session
1. Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman welcomed those present, and advised them that the meeting
Would be recorded.
2. Apologies for absence
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Miss. Barrett, Cllr Devlin – St Margaret’s Church.
4. To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on the 18th November2020.
Proposed Cllr Jamieson, seconded Cllr Miss Barrett and unanimously agreed that the minutes should be signed.
5. Clerks Report
a) The Clerk has applied for an East Lindsey Councillor Community Grant for the repair work to the Village pump wall. £750.00 received.
b) The New website is now live Homepage – Thimbleby Parish Council (lincolnshire.gov.uk). There is a certain amount of work still to be carried out on the Website, and the Clerk will continue to work with the contractor and LCC. Please advise the Clerk if there are any amendments. Cllr Devlin suggested that the photograph of the Church needed to be updated. At the moment the Clerk is concentrating on getting the site to an acceptable compliant level standard.
6 Correspondence Received
a) E mail received from Cllr Mrs. Bradwell, and sent out to Councillors, requesting details of small outstanding highway jobs, that could be completed whilst the community gang is in the area in February.
Cllr Jamieson requested that all Councillors send their suggestions to him by the 15th January, and he would then send onto Cllr Mrs. Bradwell.
b) Letter from St Margaret’s Church warden, requesting financial assistance for churchyard maintenance. Sent to Councillors before the meeting.
This item will be discussed, under agenda item 8.
c) Letter from a resident requesting that the Parish Council purchase a Speed Indicator Device, sent to Councillors before the meeting. This item will be discussed under agenda item 8.
7. Informative Matters from LCC & ELDC Councilors & PCSO Wass
PCSO Wass advised that speed checks within the village are continuing, he confirmed that he would remain for the rest of the meeting to answer any questions the Council had. Cllr Jamieson asked if PCSO Wass had any experience with other areas where a SID was in use. PCSO Wass confirmed that he did, and that the information collected is very useful to them, as it can indicate the best times and areas where they could use the speed gun.
Cllr Mrs. Martin ELDC – Advised the Council, that although Thimbleby Parish Council had recently received a grant, there were both COVID and non COVID projects. Cllr Miss Barrett confirmed that she is yet to complete the grant request for the Friends of Thimbleby.
East Lindsey is looking at the budget for the next financial year, and apart from that they are concentrating on lockdown arrangements.
Cllr Mrs. Bradwell LCC – LCC are concentrating on the COVID pandemic, and have taken on extra staff to take calls. She has also spoken to Highways concerning the Parish Council’s request for grit bins, Highways will consider bins in populated areas, and will visit, Cllr Mrs. Bradwell will keep the Clerk informed.
8. Finance
a) Bills Paid between Meetings
R & H Plant (grass cutting) £420.00 inc £70.00 reclaimable VAT
Intellitec (Website) £250.00
b) Bills to pay
Salary December/January £153.16
Inland Revenue £57.00
Proposed Cllr Jamieson, seconded Cllr Miss Barrett and unanimously agreed that these bills should be paid.
b) Balance of Accounts
Current account £6844.64 Petty Cash £18.65
c) To be advised of the information received from Cllr F Martin concerning the use of S137 monies.
Cllr Jamieson advised that he had sent the information out to all Councillors which should be considered ready to be discussed at the next meeting.
d) To discuss the budget and set the precept – Information sent to Councillors before the meeting.
There had been 2 suggestions sent out to Councillors.
Cllr Devlin declared an interest in the Church funds, but then suggested that the Council should investigate the possibility of getting funding for a SID, and that the costs budgeted for Training were reduced. Therefore, allowing a nil increase to the precept.
Cllrs Mrs. Martin & Mrs. Bradwell left the meeting.
Cllr Devlin then proposed a precept of £4100 this proposal was seconded by Cllr Jamieson.
Cllr Doody suggested a 2% increase to allow for a possible increase in the Clerks salary & to ensure that the Parish Council would not have to make a major increase in the precept next year.
Cllr Mrs. Doody made a counter proposal that the precept should be set at £4182.00
A vote was then taken on both proposals
Precept of £4100
For 1 Against 4
Precept of £4182.oo
For 4 Against 1
The Precept will be set at £4182.00
It was then proposed by Cllr Jamieson, seconded by Cllr Mrs. Doody that the budget that includes an allowance of £200 against 137 monies should be adopted
For 4 Against 1
It was agreed that Cllr Jamison would draft a reply to the church, explaining the Council’s decision.
It was also agreed that the Clerk would draft a reply to the resident, advising him of the decisions around SIDs.
Both these drafts would be sent out to all Councillors for approval.
Cllr Devlin left the Meeting
9. Planning
a) Decisions
Discussed between meetings in accordance with Standing Orders
Outline erection of 1no. dwelling with means of access and layout to be considered.
b) To Discuss
Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide a bedroom and en-suite shower room on the first floor.
Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide a dining room/kitchen and utility room, on the site of existing outbuildings which are to be removed.
10) Speed watch - Cllr Doody
Due to COVID restrictions, the Community Speed watch has been suspended,
He then advised that he had seen a SID in operation, and believed that it was effective in slowing traffic.
11. To discuss the Bank mandate (signing arrangements) Cllr Jamieson
Cllr Mrs. Doody proposed that to comply with East Lindsey grant application forms that she is removed from mandate, seconded Cllr Jamieson & unanimously agreed.
12. To discuss then format of the meeting of the 12th May 2021– The Clerk
It was unanimously agreed that the Meeting to be held on the 12th May 2021 would be the Annual Parish Council meeting, with the Parish Meeting held when restrictions allow.
13. Council ID/Strapline/Branding – Cllr Mrs. Doody
It was agreed that this item should be carried forward to the next meeting.
14. Sense of Community – Cllr Jamieson
Should the Council be undertaking activities which may enhance a sense of community for the village residents – to Discuss.
It was agreed that this item should be carried forward to the next meeting.
16. To Ratify the decision made for the Clerk to hold both laptop flash drives securely whilst we remain in lockdown and there are no face-to-face meetings.
Unanimously ratified.
17. Agenda Items for the next meeting
S 137 - Cllr Jamieson
Sense of Community – Cllr Jamieson
Village Communications – Cllr Jamieson
Council ID/Strapline/Branding – Cllr Mrs. Doody
Next Meeting
March 24th, 2021
Meeting Closed at 19.45