9th March 2022

MINUTES of THE PARISH Council Meeting on 9th March 2022

Beginning at 6.45pm at the Thimbleby village hall





Councillors            Cllr Jamieson (chair)

                              Cllrs A Doody, E.Barrett, M Doody


                              Cllr Fiona Martin (ELDC)

In attendance        The meeting was held without a Clerk


Public Participation

No members of the public in attendance

The meeting observed a minutes silence following the sudden and unexpected death of our long-standing Clerk Mrs Newton.


1 Apologies for absence

Cllr Mrs. Campbell-Wardman

2 Declarations of Interest


3 To sign as correct the minutes from the last Parish Council meeting held on 12th January 2022. Proposed Cllr M Doody, seconded Cllr Barrett & unanimously agreed that these minutes should be signed.

4. Correspondence Received

No correspondence received. That said the Chairman explained that the Council has no way of accessing the previously used email address, which was shared across multiple councils. (Those other councils find themselves with the same issue).

A new email address has been created for specific Council use (thimblebycouncil@outlook.com). This email has been communicated to ELDC via the elections team; Cllr Martin has also offered to distribute to ensure all departments are in receipt.

5. Clerks Report

The Clerk vacancy has been advertised on the Council website, and also LALC vacancies list. At time of meeting one candidate has expressed an interest; closing date 15th March.

6. Temporary Arrangements

Thanks are extended to Mr David Sisson, chairman at Halton Holgate, for assisting with communications and transfer of laptop and paperwork, now with Chairman. The Chairman is currently undertaking certain Clerk duties as he is able to perform.

7. Planning

Cllrs Jamieson and M Doody had checked the ELDC planning portal, and other than a non-material planning request, no new requests had been made.

b) Enforcement Request

122/00569/21/S – Chapel Lane

Acknowledgement received from ELDC. It appears that there is now a skip on site to facilitate waste removal.

8. Feedback from the ELDC & LCC Councillors

Cllr Fiona Martin informed the meeting that in response to central Government directives:

a) an additional wheelie bin (purple) will be provided to households following a trial in Boston. Clean cardboard will be collected separately from other recycling, and glass will also now be collected. Correct sorting of recyclables heavily influences the prices received; contamination can see complete loads being rejected. Cllr Jamieson expressed his concern following well publicized issues with a similar scheme introduced in West Lindsey, and hoped that East Lindsey will encourage households to do the right thing, rather than police with a heavy hand. Cllr Martin confirmed that ELDC will handle all communications.

b) A new team to tackle unsightly public areas is being created; the PRIDE team will be available to take action in Thimbleby as appropriate.

9. Finance

a) Bills Paid between meetings

100432 Salary £153.16

100433 HMRC £57.00

Bank Charges £7.00

b) Bills to pay

Bank charges for January £5.40

Reimbursement of £20 due to Cllr Mrs Doody in respect of newsletter printing. Chairman to raise cheque.

c) Balance of Account per bank statement12 Feb £ 8901.61

d) Chairman stated that Petty Cash on the accounts is stated as £25.73, however at time of meeting no petty cash has been found by Clerks widower. Meeting agreed we should take guidance from internal auditor as to how to proceed / write off.

Financial matters were discussed and unanimously agreed to be correct.

10. Bank charges.

Discussed in January; agreed that we are not currently in a position to swap banks, therefore this matter would be left for the time being.

Cllr A Doody asked why the monthly bank charges vary; Cllr Jamieson stated there is a £5 account fee, then 40p per cheque raised.

Cllr Jamieson stated that he has written to HSBC requesting a change of address for the bank statements.

11. Speed watch - Cllr Doody

a) Two sessions have been successfully held, one aimed at training and inducting two new volunteers. Next session planned 17th March, AM and PM

b) Following receipt of letters (18) from Mill Lane residents, and the reply requesting confirmation of willingness to volunteer for SID management duties, one (1) response has been received.

c) Due to the lack of volunteers, the meeting discussed concerns around management of a SID, and whether it remains wise to purchase; we must not allow money to be wasted on a white elephant. Cllr Fiona Martin shared the frustrations that Horncastle Town Council are experiencing whereby SID traffic / speed data cannot be used to present to Highways as grounds for speed limit adjustments. Cllr Jamieson asked whether Archer surveys had been requested, as Thimbleby has been met with a seeming unwillingness to provide these. Cllr Martin recommended we discuss with Cllr Bradwell.

12. Traffic calming

The meeting proceeded to discuss “Gates” at the village boundaries as an alternative method of traffic calming.

The majority view was that “Gates” do a good job of defining village boundaries, but over time become accepted as part of street furniture, with little long-term traffic calming effect. The same can be said of SID’s now that they are found in many locations, but given limited budgets, acquisition of a SID is thought more effective than gates.

13. Asset Maintenance

Meeting discussed the need to maintain assets. The two bus shelters would benefit from a re-paint to avoid more expensive maintenance at a later date.

The 3 benches would also benefit from periodic sanding and re-coating with varnish / preserver.

Likewise the notice boards would benefit from cleaning and refurbishment.

Cllr Barrett stated that there is a painter and decorator in the village; Cllr Jamieson will approach to gauge interest in carrying out the work.

14. Interim approach to Clerk

Chairman currently has laptop and archive paperwork. A new email address has been created and circulated. Vacancy has been advertised with closing date 15th March.

15. To Discuss the purchase of Poppies for Poppy Day

Meeting discussed whether the purchase of large street furniture poppies should go ahead at £3 each. EB proposed, AD seconded and unanimously agreed that 30 poppies would enable a meaningful display to be made, with monies going to a good cause. Cllr Jamieson to contact RBL to order.

16. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

May meeting to include confirmation of meeting dates for 2022 / 23

Next meeting date May 11th 2022, which is the Parish Council Annual Meeting

Meeting closed 8.12pm