9th November 2022

Thimbleby Parish Council


MINUTES of THE PARISH Council Meeting on 9th November 2022

Beginning at 6.45pm at Thimbleby village hall





Councillors            Cllr Jamieson (chair)

                              Cllrs A Doody, E.Barrett, M Doody


In attendance:        The Clerk, A. Everard; 4 members of the public



Other representatives: Apologies noted from LCC and ELDC representatives.


Public Participation

       1. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate

        All parish councillors present.

        2. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations


       3. To sign as correct the minutes from the last Parish Council meeting held on 7th September 2022.

        A representative from a new residential care home, Thimbleby Court, introduced the new service and offered to make a donation to improve speed safety. A member of the public raised issues for pedestrians            regarding overgrown hedge just past the church. A resident raised concerns about speeding in the village and out of date contact details on ‘parish councils.uk’. Further discussion took place with Dyson Farming representative.

It was proposed, seconded RESOLVED to adopt the draft minutes and the Chair signed the minutes.

4. To consider any matters arising from the previous meeting 7th September 2022 not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.


      5.  Correspondence Received

Noted LALC E-News; Police Reports; LALC E-News; Police Reports; ELDC Town and Parish News; Victoria Atkin MP Winter Summit invitation and report.

       6. Planning

To approve comments submitted in respect of new ELDC planning applications responded to between meetings and new applications to consider and to receive updates on progress of previous applications:

  • Application reference S/181/01534/22 Listed Building Consent - Conversion of, extension and alterations to the existing annexe and outbuilding to provide a dwelling. S/181/01533/22 Change of use, conversion of, extension and alterations to the existing garage and outbuilding to provide a dwelling. VILLAGE FARM, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE

Response – Declarations of interest declared and council would be inquorate so moved onto next business.

ELDC Decided – Approved with conditions.

  • A representative from Dyson Farms was present to discuss how they might engage with the community over the planned redevelopment of their yard in Thimbleby. It was discussed about an afternoon or early evening in early 2023.  Dyson Farms also keen to plan more environment tours in Spring and maybe bring along their tour trailer.  The Chair and other councillors would plan this with the representative.

7. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors

No representatives were present.

8. Finance

a) To approve the payment of bills.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to authorise payment of the following payments.

Payments to be authorised at this meeting




Staff Costs


Staff wages, tax and NI

Horncastle & District Poppy Appeal






b) To note the bank account balance.

The Clerk reported the balance was at 9th November 2022 was £12,280.36.

c) To consider the draft budget for 2023-24

Councillor discussed the draft budget and plan to reduce the donations and increase precept by 4% if reserves are adequate.

d) To approve application of new NJC payscales for 2022-23 effective 1/4/2022.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to adopt the updated NJC payscales effective from 1st April 2022.

e) To approve appointment of internal auditor for 2022-23 financial year.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to appoint LALC appointed internal auditor for 2022-23 financial year for a fee of £125 plus mileage expenses.


9Speed watch

Cllr M. Doody reported that there had been insufficient volunteers to hold a session.

Three quotations had been received and Elan City quotation was best for £4500 plus VAT and a budget of £1,000 for the LCC poles to be located in Thimbleby. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to purchase two speed indicator devices from Elan City and the LCC-installed poles for installation in 2023.   

10. To approve a Pension Statement Policy.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to adopt the Policy.

11. To approve the introduction of gov.uk email system.

Using the information provided in LALC ENews 31/10/2022 it was proposed, seconded  and unanimously approved RESOLVED to purchase .gov.uk email accounts from Cloudnext with an average cost of £105 a year.

12. To consider and approve next steps to paint bus shelter.

Quote for redecoration of two bus shelters, 3 benches to be obtained by the Clerk.

13. To consider potential co-options and arrangements for elections 2023.

A co-option policy is in place. Elections due on May 4th 2023 and new councillors will take up seats on May 9th 2023. Councillors noted that if election was required electors must have photo ID.  A reserve of £3,000 may be needed to pay the election costs.

14. To approve arrangements for bin in Mill Lane in accordance with ELDC Litter & Dog Bin Policy.

The Clerk had the form and handed it to the Chair to complete the details to move the bin from the phone box to Mill Lane and to repair the existing bin.

15. To approve a donation to Royal British Legion for street lamp poppies.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to pay a donation of £100 for provision of the large poppies throughout the village. (s.137 LGA 1972) and it was hoped to show the same next year.

16. To note the completion of the Book of Condolence during the national period of mourning for the Late Queen Elizabeth II and approve storage and letter to Buckingham Palace.

The Book of Condolences was received and noted for storage.  A draft letter was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to send to HM The King and signed by the Chair.

17. Newsletter

Topics for next edition; Farm/Nature walk, Broadband, Bin System, Buses & transport, Co-option and elections, Community Speedwatch, Thimbleby Court, Warm Spaces/Cost of Living signposting information.

18. Agenda Items for the next meeting

Bin for Mill Lane; co-options for potential councillors, donations, elections 2023, painting the bus shelter, budget and precept-setting.

Next Meeting January 11th 2023

The meeting closed at 8.55pm.