11th May 2022
MINUTES of THE PARISH Council Meeting on 11th May 2022
Beginning at 6.45pm at the Thimbleby village hall
Councillors Cllr Jamieson (chair)
Cllrs A Doody, E. Barrett, M. Doody
In attendance The Clerk, A. Everard
Other representatives: District Cllrs S. Campbell-Wardman, F. Martin (ELDC)
Public Participation
No one present
1. Election of Chair and Declaration of Acceptance of Office signed
Cllr Jamieson was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED that Cllr Jamieson elected as Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
2. Election of Vice Chair and Declaration of Acceptance of Office signed
Cllr A. Doody was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED that Cllr A.Doody elected as Vice Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council.
3. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate
All parish councillors present.
4. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations
Cllr E. Barrett declared an interest in the Village Hall committee and requested a dispensation and it was proposed, seconded and approved RESOLVED to grant Cllr Barrett a dispensation until the end of term of office next May 2023.
5. To appoint the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer for Thimbleby Parish Council and to approve the employment contract for signing.
It was proposed, seconded and approved RESOLVED to appoint Mr A.Everard as the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer with effect from this date and the Chair and the Clerk signed the employment contract.
6. To Elect Subject Leads
It was proposed, seconded and approved RESOLVED to appoint a lead councillor to report back to parish council on the following matters
Personnel – Cllr A. Doody
Finance – Cllr M. Jamieson
Tree Warden – Cllr M. Doody
7. To sign as correct the minutes from the last Parish Council meeting held on 9th March 2022.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to adopt the minutes and they were signed by the Chair.
8. To consider and approve arrangements for internal audit and approval of the Annual Accounts and Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) and submission to the external auditors.
The Clerk advised that statutory deadlines were 1st July to publish AGAR and apply for exemption from external audit. However, as there was not another meeting until July the external auditor had granted an extension for four weeks to prevent chasing letters and costs being incurred by the parish council taking into account the exceptional circumstances applying this year. The Clerk will prepare AGAR and seek completion of the Internal Auditor Statement from the current internal auditor and if not possible LALC will be approached to appoint an Internal Audit from their panel. AGAR will come to the next meeting. It was proposed, seconded and approved RESOLVED to accept the plans for preparation and approval of AGAR.
9. Correspondence Received
Former Parishclerk9 email address – inaccessible.
ELDC planning notices have been received at the new email address.
ELDC payment and refund of double precept payment made in error.
ELDC issued details of Jubilee £30,000 grant inviting parish councils to submit a grant application if they had a project that needed funding up to £1,000. No project was identified at this meeting.
10. Planning
Application reference S/181/02652/21 Planning Permission - Erection of a detached garage building with annexe accommodation above HILLCREST, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LINCOLNSHIRE, LN9 5RB
Response – No Objections
Application reference S/181/00463/22 Planning Permission - Erection of 3no. detached dwellings. ELMLEA FARM, ELMHIRST ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5LX
Response – No Objections
Application reference S/181/00775/22 Planning Permission - Erection of an agricultural storage building, existing building on site to be demolished. MILESTONE FARM, LINCOLN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5LY
Response – No objections
11. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors
Cllrs S. Campbell-Wardman, F. Martin (ELDC) reported on the Lidl and Aldi planning applications in Horncastle. Extra wheelie bins will be introduced in September for cardboard collection giving more space in grey bins to collect glass. Press releases will be issued to keep residents informed. New ‘PRIDE’ teams introduced to tackle unsightly areas.
Cllr Bradwell (LCC) arrived 8.00pm and gave report on getting Highways Officer out to the area to view local issues. Broadband issues being raised and smaller providers are being sought but Thimbleby parish councillors advised all providers are refusing to engage in the parish. Cllr A. Doody will provide details.
12. Finance
a) Approval of bills paid between meetings
100434 Newsletter printing £20.00
100435 ELDC – refund of precept amount paid in error £5238.00
Proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to approve expenditure items stated.
b) Bills to pay
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to pay the recurring HSBC bank account maintenance charges of £5.00 a month paid by direct debit and £0.40 per cheque.
c) Balance of Account per bank statement £18,374.41 as at 12th April was noted.
d) The Clerk/ RFO will look into the Petty Cash issue from the previous Clerk and bring this matter to the next meeting for accounting purposes. The Clerk & RFO advised that in future expenditure will be paid via expenses instead of petty cash.
e) Council proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to pay increased NJC pay scales from 1/4/2021 and for any arrears to be paid to the estate of the former Clerk and HMRC in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair.
f) Consideration of the current insurance and review arrangements for future insurance cover.
The Clerk/RFO will look into this issue and bring to the next meeting.
g) Consideration of any current subscriptions and any changes
The Clerk/RFO will review and bring this to the next meeting.
13. Change of bank due to bank charges
The parish council proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the Clerk will establish the availability of suitable accounts by other banks and in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair to open and transfer the council’s bank account to another bank if charges can be reduced.
14. Speed watch
Cllr M. Doody said that more volunteers are required and it is hoped that getting this in place will make it possible to take this forward regularly.
15. 2022 – 2023 Ordinary Meeting Dates
The parish council proposed, seconded and RESOLVED the following dates for their meetings:
- 13 July 2022
- 7 September 2022
- 9 November 2022
- 11 January 2023
- 8 March 2023
- 10 May Annual Parish Council Meeting / Annual Parish Meeting
16. Asset Maintenance
Quotes are still to be obtained so the work can be approved.
17. Street Furniture Poppies
Chair has contacted RBL Horncastle and to provide a report for consideration and to approve actions to be taken.
18. Newsletter
Discussion took place on issues in the parish and will be gathered over the next few months including the forthcoming biodiversity walk with Dysons.
19. Agenda Items for the next meeting
The Clerk will discuss arrangements with the Chair and other councillors prior to the next meeting.
The Clerk was asked to review policies and bring forward any amendments when prepared.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm.