11th May 2022 - Annual Parish Meeting

Thimbleby Annual Parish Meeting

Thimbleby Village Hall

11th May 2022 6.30pm

Present: Mr Mark Jamieson – Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council

7 members of the public present.


1. Previous Minutes

During the Covid pandemic there had been no meetings since March 2020 and previous minutes could not be located since the sudden death of the previous Clerk, the Late Christine Newton.

2. Chairman’s Report

Cllr Jamieson read his report to those present thanking his fellow councillors for their support and efforts for the parish. The Chair expressed condolences to the family of the Late Christine Newton and welcomed the new Clerk, Mr A. Everard. He reflected on the progress being made on the three parish council priorities: traffic and speeding, asset maintenance and the village hall.  The council was raising funds to help with all three issues as well as listening to parishioner’s feedback. Ongoing challenges were slow broadband speeds and difficulty in getting it upgraded swiftly for the village.

3. Village Hall 

Cllr E. Barrett, represented the village hall committee and explained that it was open for bookings again after the struggles over the past couple of years with covid restrictions.  The committee was seeking investment funds to improve the facilities so ideas and more engagement from the community was welcome.

4. Community Speed Watch

Cllr M. Doody led the local volunteers and reported on the few sessions they had held and the impact that could be achieved with more volunteers willing to assist. Training was provided by Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.

5. Thimbleby Church

The churchwarden reported that services were still taking place at the church but the congregation was dwindling and it was becoming a challenge to maintain, heat and insure the church.  The Diocese were in a revenue deficit position and could not provide support. There was an increasing risk to the future of the village church if more people were not interested in coming forward.

6. Friends of Thimbleby Village

A representative reported that some efforts had been made to keep the village tidy and lead some events.  Always a challenge and due to limited support and volunteers it was hard to do more. 

7. Questions from the floor

A discussion took place among those present noting the contributions made by individuals and the challenges. 


The Chair thanked everybody for their attendance and taking part in the discussion. 

The meeting closed at 6.55pm.