15th February 2024

MINUTES of THE PARISH Council Meeting on 15TH FEBRUARY 2024





Councillors              Cllr M. Doody (Chair) Cllrs A Doody, P.Buckingham.

Not Present:           All present    

In attendance          The Clerk, A. Everard.


Other representatives present: None.  Members of public present: Two

Public Participation began at 6.45pm

Residents of Farmlea, Main Street made representations about Hallgarth Farm planning application.  They produced and referred to the representations they had submitted to East Lindsey District Council and emphasised aspects of that document to the Councillors.

Formal meeting began 7.10pm

14/24. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate.


15/24. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations


16/24. To adopt the draft minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 10th January 2024.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt 10th January 2024 minutes and the Chair signed them.

17/24. To consider any matters arising from the previous meeting 10th January 2024 not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.

The Clerk confirmed that flood reports had been reported as minuted 08/24 b.   

18/24 Correspondence Received

The Parish Council noted receipt of LALC E-News (two-weekly); LALC Training Bulletin (monthly); ELDC/LCC Town and Parish News; Resident’s emails regarding Mill Lane, noticeboard and Speed Indicator Device; National Grid consultation – Grimsby to Walpole pylon proposals(until 13th March); ELDC Budget Consultation 2024-25; LCC email regarding Thimbleby bus shelters; resident’s LCC information about Thimbleby drainage works; LCC Elmhirst Road 30mph extension proposed Traffic Order 20 – public consultation.

19/24. Planning

  1. Application reference S/181/00034/24 | Planning Permission - Erection of 13 no. detached dwelling and a public community open space, existing buildings on site to be demolished. | HALLGARTH FARM, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE

AND To consider response to Lincolnshire County Council regarding any effect this development may have on bus stops/shelters.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to SUPPORT with comments. 

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to delegate to the Clerk to prepare comments in consultation with councillors and submit to the Planning Authority.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to delegate to the Clerk to respond to Lincolnshire County Council about the bus shelters in consultation with councillors  after further information received from the County Council about the effect of the conservation area on any upgrade and councillors wanted to see if bus ramps to improve accessibility could be provided at bus stops.   

  1. Application reference S/181/02284/23 | Planning Permission - Erection of 1 no. dwelling with associated parking. | ELMLEA FARM, ELMHIRST ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5LX

Thimbleby PC: No objections.

The Parish Council noted ELDC Decision: Approved with conditions

  1. Application reference S/181/01013/23   Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of, extension and alterations of existing barn which is a listed building to form a dwelling - VILLAGE FARM, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE

Thimbleby PC: Objection with comments.

ELDC Decision: Decision awaited.

20/24. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors

No representatives present. No written reports received.

21/24. To approve LALC subscription 2024-25 payment £95.42.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to pay LALC £95.42.

22/24. To consider insurance claim, quotations and approve a replacement noticeboard near the Durham Ox following destructive storm damage.

The Clerk reported that the insurance claim was being progressed. Council deferred this item to the next meeting.

23/24. To note and consider activity and information relating to the Village Pump.

Proposed, seconded unanimously RESOLVED for the Clerk to seek further ownership details from the Church and the Village Hall Committee.

24/24 To consider and propose items for the parish newsletter – Spring 2024

Proposed, seconded unanimously RESOLVED to produce a newsletter for publication on the website, noticeboards, Facebook instead of printing and distribution to all households to reduce paper usage.

25/24. To consider and approve any nominees for co-option.


26/24. To consider subscribing 2024-25 LALC Annual Training Scheme £100 +VAT and approve any bookings for training.

Proposed, seconded unanimously RESOLVED not to subscribe to the LALC Annual Training Scheme for 2024-25.  The Chair will attend the Chairs’ Workshop in June 2024.

27/24. To consider internal communications for the council.

Clerk advised that gov.uk email accounts for councillors ready for rollout. Councillors considered that most communication came via the Clerk and would continue and councillors undertook to keep all up to date on issues.

28/24. To note date of next ordinary meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council – 13th March 2024 and any items to be proposed for the agenda.

Newsletter, QR codes.

                                                                                                    Meeting ended 8.06pm