8th May 2024

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 8th  May 2024

at 7.00pm at Thimbleby Village Hall




Councillors              Cllr M. Doody (Chair) Cllrs A. Doody, P. Buckingham.

Not Present:           All present    

In attendance          The Clerk, A. Everard.


No other Council representatives were present.  Members of public present: None.


48/24. Election of Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council

Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to unanimously elect Cllr M.Doody.  Declaration of Acceptance of Office signed.

49/24. To resolve to open a period of public participation of not more than 5 minutes for any members of the public to ask questions or raise local issues not covered during the prior Annual Parish  Meeting.

No members of the public present so not resolved.

50/24. To elect Vice Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council.

No nominations made.

51/24. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate.

All present. None.

52/24. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations


52/24. To adopt the draft minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 13th March 2024

Proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt. The Chair signed the minutes.

53/24. To consider any matters arising from the previous meeting 13th March 2024 not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.


54/24. Correspondence Received

The Council noted LALC E-News (two-weekly); LALC Training Bulletin (monthly); ELDC/LCC Town and Parish News; Dog fouling report outside Hollow Park, Dawber Lane; ELDC precept paid 17/4/2024; ELDC Teenage Market returns to Horncastle 4th May 9am-3pm;  Lincolnshire Police online Parish Council Engagement Session EL - Thursday 27th June 2024 6-8pm. It was agreed that the Chair would attend the Police Engagement Session.

55/24. Planning – plans can be viewed on https://www.e-lindsey.gov.uk/applications 

To approve comments submitted in respect of new ELDC planning applications responded to between meetings and new applications to consider and to receive updates on progress of previously considered applications:

55/24a) Application reference S/181/01013/23 and S/181/01014/23     Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of, extension and alterations of existing barn which is a listed building to form a dwelling - VILLAGE FARM, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE

Thimbleby PC: Objection with comments.

ELDC Decision: Decision awaited.

55/24b) Application reference S/181/00034/24 | Planning Permission - Erection of 13 no. detached dwelling and a public community open space, existing buildings on site to be demolished.|HALLGARTH FARM,MAIN ROAD,THIMBLEBY,HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE

Thimbleby PC: Support with comments

ELDC Decision: Decision awaited

56/24. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors

None were present.  Written invitation to report back on any issues raised at the meeting.

57/24. To approve a replacement noticeboard near the Durham Ox.

Proposed, seconded unanimously RESOLVED to place order with Noticeboard Company for £1691.38 including VAT and delivery.

58/24. To consider any highways, footpath and related issues.

  1. To receive response from Lincolnshire County Council regarding a petition for a 30MPH speed limit on Green Lane.

The parish council will notify residents in forthcoming newsletter when available.

  1. To receive an update on recent flooding issues in the parish.

The Chair had met with an LCC officer. Drains were cleaned along Main Street by LCC.  They had missed some drains and had to come back. Water drainage issues at Old Manor House may have been caused by the failure of the old clay pipe drainage system.

  1. To consider other local issues including cleaning of signs.

Community Speed Watch 30MPH passive speed signs not in good condition around the parish.  It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED ten replacements to be ordered for £200 by the Clerk.

  1. To receive an update on dog fouling issues outside Hollow Park, Dawber Lane.

Referring to correspondence received the parish council were aware that ELDC officers were monitoring the situation and warning signs for the noticeboard provided. If a dog walker was identified they would receive a penalty.

  1. To receive an update on grass-cutting the parish verges.

The Clerk will contact the contractor to see if they could provide a similar service this season.  More information awaited from LCC about a Parish Agreement to cut the grass verges.

59/24. To receive an update relating to the Village Pump.

Noted that the Village Pump was subject to ad hoc maintenance by residents probably not always consistent with heritage assets standards.  The Village Hall Committee did not claim ownership.  The ELDC Heritage Officer was on maternity leave so advice was limited at this stage. 

60/24. To note the transfer of the Council’s Community Speed Watch equipment to the new Co-ordinator.

The Chair had resigned from this role and a resident in Mill Lane had taken on the role and the equipment transferred prior to this meeting.  They would be invited to provide feedback at parish council meetings.

61/24. Finance

  1. To approve the payment of bills paid between meetings and bills to pay on the payment schedule. 



Noticeboard Company


Proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to pay these sums.

  1. To note the bank reconciliation and account balance.

There was no change to the balances since the last meeting.

  1. To receive update on amendments to bank signatories.

The bank process was underway and awaiting confirmation implemented.

  1. To consider a grant for Horncastle Matters following receipt of financial accounts.

Proposed, seconded that Parish Council RESOLVED to pay £25.00 donation.

  1. To consider risk management register and the Council’s insurance provision.

Proposed, seconded RESOLVED to approve the Risk Management Register and the insurance provision was reviewed taking into account the addition of the Village Pump and Wall and to note that up to date reinstatement valuations were required for the bus shelters, noticeboard and benches in the light of recent insurance claim. The Clerk to approach Robert Bell & Co for valuation quotation and get advice from the Heritage Officer.

  1. To review the Asset Register as at 31st March 2024.

Proposed, seconded RESOLVED to add Village Pump and Wall to the Asset Register.

62/24. To consider and approve any nominees for co-option.


63/24. To approve any bookings for training.

LALC planned some training sessions on planning shortly.

64/24. To agree arrangements for the Clerk’s appraisal.

26th June prior to or after the June extraordinary parish council meeting by Cllr A. Doody and Cllr P.Buckingham.

65/24. To agree a date for an extraordinary meeting to approve the annual governance and financial accounts.  

26th June late morning subject to venue being available.

66/24. To note date of next ordinary meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council – 10th July 2024 and any items to be proposed for the agenda.

Newsletter, Speed Indicator Device’s review.


Meeting ended 8.30pm.