6th November 2024 - DRAFT
Present : Councillors Cllr F.Martin (Chair), Cllrs P. Buckingham (Vice Chair), P.Bradwell, S.Campbell-Wardman.
Not Present: Cllr A. Doody
In attendance The Clerk, A. Everard.
Members of public present: One
109/24. Election of Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council and signing the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to elect Cllr F.Martin to Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed in the presence of the Clerk.
110/24. Election of Vice Chair if appropriate.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to elect Cllr P.Buckingham as Vice Chair.
111/24. To suspend the meeting to allow a public participation period of up to 15 minutes to take place and then to resume the parish council meeting.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to suspend the parish council meeting to permit public participation.
Matters raised included the purchase of the third Speed Indicator Device and a request for a volunteer to install and then maintain and rotate every four weeks, and the Community Speed Watch Co-ordinator said they will install the passive speed signs. The parish council meeting resumed after 10 minutes.
112/24. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate.
None received.
113/24. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations
Following appointment as parish councillors under S.91 Local Government Act 1972 by Order of East Lindsey District Council due to the parish council becoming inquorate the Chair handed in her completed Register of Interests. Cllr Bradwell and Cllr Campbel-Wardman asked if their existing Register of Interests could be carried over. No other declarations of interest in items on the agenda were made.
114/24. To adopt the draft minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 11th September 2024.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
115/24. To consider any matters arising from the previous meetings 11th September 2024 not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.
The Clerk advised that for minute 102/24c) quotations had finally been obtained for the Speed Indicator Device and brought to this meeting to decide which option to choose as they exceeded the grants and money in the budget. The Clerk advised that the new passive speed signs had been handed over to the former Chair to install at the end of the last meeting. Minute 102/24g) the new plastic ties had been purchased for the installation of the lamp post poppies and dropped off to the former Chair too.
116/24. Correspondence Received
Parish Council noted; LALC E-News (two-weekly); LALC Training Bulletin (monthly); ELDC/LCC Town and Parish News; resignation of Cllr M.Doody as Chair and Parish Councillor; ELDC appointment by Order of Cllrs P.Bradwell, S.Campbell-Warman, and F.Martin under S.91 Local Government Act 1972; Invitation to Victoria Atkins MP Community Summit – 6th December 2024 9.30pm-12noon; feedback from the Parish Council Newsletter. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Buckingham to be nominated to attend the MP’s Community Summit and Clerk to pass on booking information.
117/24. Planning
a) Application reference S/181/01013/23 and S/181/01014/23 Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of, extension and alterations of existing barn which is a listed building to form a dwelling - VILLAGE FARM, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE
Thimbleby PC: Objection with comments.
ELDC Decision: Decision awaited. No change.
b) Application reference S/181/00034/24 | Planning Permission - Erection of 13 no. detached dwelling and a public community open space, existing buildings on site to be demolished. | HALLGARTH FARM, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE
Thimbleby PC: Support with comments.
ELDC Decision: Decision awaited. No change.
c) Application reference S/181/01672/24 | Planning Permission – Erection of 2no. dwellings | ELMLEA FARM, ELMHIRST ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5LX
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to delegate to the Clerk to respond in accordance with S.101 Local Government Act 1972 after consultation with councillors as they had had insufficient time to consider their comments by the time of the meeting.
118/24. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors
LCC – Cllr Bradwell discussed various issues in Thimbleby that had been raised with her such as Green Lane, the A158 Lincoln Road pavement from Thimbleby Hill T-junction and beyond Green Lane T-junction and the drains in Thimbleby Main Street. Cllr Bradwell advised that there was nothing new planned for Thimbleby.
ELDC – Cllr Martin and Cllr Campbell-Wardman explained that the District Council was undergoing a peer-review process.
119/24. To consider any highways, footpath and related issues.
a) To receive an update on the Council’s Community Speed Watch.
The Chair invited the Co-ordinator to give an update. He advised that there were no new volunteers to undertake any activity.
b) To consider purchase installation and management of the Speed Indicator Device for Mill Lane, Thimbleby.
Having considered the quotations it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to purchase the Elan City Vision Solar-powered Speed Indicator Device for £3120. A resident of Mill Lane undertook to install it and maintain it for the parish council.
c) To consider the installation of the replacement noticeboard.
The Clerk advised that the noticeboard had been delivered. It awaited installation. A visual risk assessment of the site indicated potential impact on utilities which would likely prohibit local volunteers installing it. Cllr Bradwell was asked if she could ascertain if Lincolnshire County Council Highways team needed a permit for the installation to take place. The Clerk had obtained a quotation to get the work completed by contractors qualified to undertake highways work. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve Vere Bros (Contractors) Ltd to undertake the installation for £749.50 plus VAT.
120/24 Finance
a) To approve the payment of bills paid between meetings and bills to pay on the payment schedule.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to pay The Stanhope Hall, room hire, £20.00; Reimbursement of Clerk’s administrative expenses £105.00; salary costs £236.84 and councillors approved if payments are to be made in advance between meetings for items in Minute 119/24 if necessary.
b) To note the bank reconciliation and account balance.
Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED £9507.38.
c) To consider changes to the bank signatory mandate.
Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to add Cllr Martin to the bank mandate.
d) To appoint internal auditor for 2024-25.
Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to appoint LALC internal audit service with a budget of £150.00.
13. To consider any nominees for co-option.
14. To approve any bookings for training.
15. To consider items for the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council – Wednesday 8th January 2025 7pm and any items to be proposed for the agenda.
Draft budget and precept, Dog bin, Donation towards replacement defibrillator at the Durham Ox, Insurance for the Village Pump and Wall.