8th March 2023 - Annual Parish Meeting DRAFT
Thimbleby Annual Parish Meeting
Thimbleby Village Hall
8th March 2023 6.30pm
Present: Mr Mark Jamieson – Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council
6 members of the public present.
1. Previous Minutes – 11th May 2022
On a show of hands, the notes of the meeting were approved and the Chair signed them.
2. Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council’s Report
Cllr Jamieson read his report to those present thanking his fellow councillors for their support and efforts for the parish. He spoke about the continuing effort to deliver on the three parish council priorities: traffic and speeding, asset maintenance and the village hall. Funds for speed indicator devices to be purchased had been raised and maintaining the bus shelters and benches. Ongoing challenges were slow rollout of faster broadband speeds which now looked like it may occur in 2024 according to Lincolnshire County Council and the need to find funding for repairs to the Village Hall. The Chair reminded the meeting that elections occurred on May 4th and candidates were encouraged to get nominated.
3. Village Hall
Cllr E. Barrett, represented the village hall committee and explained that funding of £95,000 was needed with match funding. Urgent work was being carried out to the wooden floor due to damp. The Village Hall Committee were considering a ‘Buy-a-Brick’ fundraiser and may leaflet drop a flyer to every household.
4. Community Speed Watch
Cllr M. Doody led the local volunteers and reported on the 3 sessions they had held over the year and the impact that could be achieved with more volunteers willing to assist. The highest speed recorded had been 65 miles an hour and the sessions identified between 35 to 50% of vehicles were being driven above the 30mph speed limit. Training can be provided by Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership if more volunteers came forward. The shortage of volunteers was the main issue to be able to bring the average speed down. It is expected that the speed indicator devices will have a beneficial effect on average speeds when installed.
5. Thimbleby Church
Mr Devlin, the churchwarden, said that since 2010 the fundraising of £420,000 and repairs to the church tower and other restoration have provided a sound building. Services were still taking place at the church but the regular congregation was only 12 and it was becoming a challenge to maintain, heat and insure the church. The Diocese were in a revenue deficit position and could not provide support. There was an increasing risk to the future of the village church if more people were not interested in coming forward. Once the current minister retires the status of the church is likely to be a ‘Festival Church’ with few regular services. Joint working with the Village Hall might be an opportunity.
6. Friends of Thimbleby Village
The fete had been cancelled due to road works. An AGM will take place in April 2023. New officers required to keep it going.
7. Questions from the floor
A discussion took place among those present noting the contributions made by individuals and the challenges identified.
The Chair thanked everybody for their attendance and taking part in the discussion.
The meeting closed at 7.02pm.