27th April 2023

MINUTES of THE PARISH Council Meeting on 27th APRIL 2023





Councillors            Cllr M. Doody (Chair) Cllrs A Doody, E.Barrett.(Vice Chair)

Not Present:          All present.      

In attendance        The Clerk, A. Everard.

Other representatives present: Cllr F. Martin (ELDC)                                                           Apologies noted Cllr P. Bradwell (LCC) S.Campbell-Wardman (ELDC).

Public Participation

There were no other members of the public to raise matters.

1. Election of Chair of the Parish Council

After nomination it was RESOLVED that Cllr Doody is elected Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council.

2. To resolve to open a period of public participation of not more than 15 minutes for any members of the public to ask questions or raise local issues.

No issues raised.

3. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate

All parish councillors present.

4. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations


5. To elect Vice Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council (if vacant).

Cllr Doody said she had to resign from the Vice Chair for personal reasons leaving it vacant.  Cllr Barrett was nominated and RESOLVED that Cllr Barrett was elected Vice Chair.   

6. To sign as correct the minutes from the last Parish Council meeting held on 8th March 2023

It was proposed, seconded RESOLVED to adopt the draft minutes and the Chair signed the minutes.

7. To note the draft minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting of 8th March 2023.

The draft minutes were noted and can be published for approval at the next Annual Parish Meeting.

8. To consider any matters arising from the previous meeting 8th March 2023 not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.

The request to move the bin had been submitted to ELDC and awaiting their response. The Clerk also advised that grass-cutting of the Church Yard had been approved to commence since the last meeting in accordance with the budget approval. 

9. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors

This item was brought forward with approval from Council as ELDC Cllr Martin had another meeting to go to.  Cllr Martin reported on local issues and how Horncastle Town Council had a Neighbourhood Plan that restricted development in certain parts of Horncastle to restrict loss of green space.  There were likely to be further elections held in parishes which had insufficient councillors after May 4th elections – this would be the case in Thimbleby.  There was no LCC Councillor present.

The meeting was suspended between 19.19 and 19.22 to allow Cllr Barrett to escort ELDC Cllr Martin down the stairs to the external door.

10.  Correspondence Received

Noted – resignation of former Cllr Jamieson as Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council and Councillor, receipt of petition from 23 residents regarding the location of Speed Indicator Devices in the parish, Notice of Election and Notice of Validly-nominated and elected candidates from The Returning Officer, LALC E-News (two-weekly); Police Reports(monthly); ELDC/LCC Town and Parish News.   

11. Planning

To approve comments submitted in respect of new ELDC planning applications responded to between meetings and new applications to consider and to receive updates on progress of previous applications:

S/181/02111/22 and S/181/02112/22 Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to the existing dwelling (which is a Grade II* Listed Building) to provide additional living accommodation on the site of part of the existing dwelling which is to be demolished.  WHITE COTTAGE, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE.

Comments – None

ELDC decision – approved with conditions.

LCC reference: pl/0144/22 development: to vary condition 11 of planning permission s/049/01560/19 to allow construction traffic and HCV tankers to access the site via Hungram Lane rather than Edlington Road. Location: Woodbecks Farm, Edlington Road, Edlington.

Comments – No Objections

Lincolnshire County Council decision – Approved.

Application reference S/181/00102/23 Planning Permission - Erection of a double garage with office & store over. Pentlands, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5RE

Comments – Neither supported or objected to potential commercial unit and signage.

ELDC decision – approved with conditions.

Application reference S/181/00186/23 Planning Permission - Erection of 1 detached dwelling with garage. Elmlea Farm, Elmhirst Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5LX

Comments – No objections.

ELDC decision – approved with conditions.

Application reference S/181/00780/23 Planning Permission - Erection of 2 no. dwellings with garages. Elmlea Farm, Elmhirst Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5LX – NEW - comments by 14/5/2023.

Comments – Clerk to submit the objection and the following comments –

  • The narrow rural road is not suitable for more development and there is also traffic congestion building up at the junction with Prospect Street in Horncastle town centre. This development will add to the traffic congestion developing in this part of Horncastle.
  • This is a windfall development within the ELDC Local Plan 2018 as no housing allocation was given in that plan at this location. 
  • The development falls North of Horncastle in Thimbleby parish council area just outside the boundary of Horncastle Town Council that has a Neighbourhood Plan.  It is noted that within Horncastle Neighbourhood Plan this is very close to the Green Wheel route outlined in that plan.
  • The small housing estate now being developed on this site with the existing approval of application in S/181/00186/23 is not in keeping with the site and results in further loss of green land to the North of Horncastle. Brownfield sites would be preferred.

12. Finance

a) To approve the payment of bills.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to authorise payment of the following payments.

Payments to be authorised at this meeting




Staff Costs


Staff wages, pension, tax and NI

Zurich Municipal





Internal audit fee



Administration and printing



Annual subscription

Sir Joseph Banks Centre


Room Hire

Horncastle Crisis Support Team


Grant/ Donation

Horncastle Matters






b) To note the bank reconciliation and account balance.

The Clerk reported the balance was at 12th April 2023 was £15,465.73. As at 31st March 2023 there were no uncashed cheques and the bank reconciliation was accepted.

c) To receive the intermediate internal auditor’s report.

The internal auditor’s intermediate report was received and the Clerk was in the process of actioning the recommendations.

d) To consider bank signatories and any changes.

There would be insufficient councillors to be quorate after May 4th until more councillors elected/appointed.  Council RESOLVED that cheques would continue to be signed by the existing bank signatories even if no longer councillors.

e) Approval of regular ongoing payments to be made by the Council (if inquorate) and by Standing Order/ Direct Debit if necessary.

The Council considered the budget and approved that ongoing payments could be made from already approved spending limits in that budget.  It was RESOLVED  that a standing order could be set up by the bank signatories to pay the Clerk’s salary in accordance with Section 6 of the council’s Financial Regulations. 

13. To consider and approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022-23

a) To receive the internal auditor’s statement and approve any actions to be taken.

RESOLVED to receive and note its contents and review at a future meeting.

b) To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2022-23

RESOLVED to approve the statements and for the Chair and Clerk to sign.

c) To consider and approve the Accounting Statement 2022-23

RESOLVED to approve the statement and for the Chair to sign.

d) To consider and approve the Certificate of Exemption 2022-23

RESOLVED to certify the council as ‘exempt’ and for the Chair to sign.

e) To note and approve the publication of documents and exercise of public rights from 5th June to 14th July 2023 on the parish council’s website and noticeboards.

RESOLVED for the Clerk/RFO to issue the notice for public inspection for the dates given.

14. Purchase of Speed Indicator Devices and approval of ongoing delegated management and maintenance arrangements.

Council noted the petition received from 23 residents of Mill Lane requesting that a solar-powered speed indicator device to be located on Mill Lane – the request for individual replies to householders was considered but with other costs having to be met this was not possible at this time but the minutes would be published on the parish council website. 

The location of poles to hold the speed indicator devices (SID) had been agreed on the advice of the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) Officer.  While only two devices were being purchased at this time the council wanted to indicate to Mill Lane residents that they aspired to put a SID on Mill Lane as soon as funds allowed.  Councillors had considered at one stage if two battery-powered SID’s could be purchased and then moved between the three poles but ultimately had concluded solar-power SIDs were easier to maintain so they would be located on the B1190 as advised by the LRSP Officer because of the higher speeds measured on that road evidence from the mobile speed van that visited the village about a dozen times a year supported this step. The Clerk would publish information on the council’s website and on the Facebook page when available. The passive 30MPH speed sign on Mill Lane had been replaced.   

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the purchase of the SIDs should proceed as the funds had been raised and quotations were waiting as agreed in 9th November 2022 Minute 9 and to be located on the B1190.    

Further debate took place about the ongoing maintenance of the SID’s and with advice from the Clerk on the legal requirements for delegation of powers it was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that the Clerk be delegated to maintain and hold the data from the SID’s in accordance with S.101 Local Government Act 1972 and the Council would permit the use councillors and of local volunteers managed through the Volunteer Policy, being approved later in this meeting, would provide risk assessments and parish council insurance cover to proceed.

15. To consider potential co-options, election arrangements 2023 and publicity.

The council would be inquorate as of May 9th 2023.  Further elections were expected to be called by The Returning Officer.  It was proposed, seconded RESOLVED that the Clerk should organise publicity and materials to encourage local residents to stand as parish councillors.

16. To review and approve the Asset Register and Risk Register.

The Clerk had reviewed and updated both.  It was proposed, seconded REOLVED to adopt the Asset Register as at 31st March 2023 and the updated Risk Register.

17. To approve a Communications/ Social Media Policy and a Volunteer Policy.

It was proposed, seconded RESOLVED to adopt both the Communications/ Social Media Policy and the Volunteer Policy. 

18. To approve delegations to the Proper Officer (the Clerk) and Responsible Financial Officer in the event the parish council is inquorate from May 9th 2023.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to increase the delegated spending limit for the Clerk from £500 to £2000 and that the Clerk to submit comments to the Planning Authorities in consultation with the Chair while the Council is inquorate. 

19. To note the date of the Annual Meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council - 10th May 2023 and approve potential meeting places and payment of costs.

The village hall was expected to be available and booking through the Booking Secretary.

The meeting finished at 8.58pm.