8th March 2023

Thimbleby Parish Council



Beginning at 7.05pm at Thimbleby village hall




Councillors            Cllr Jamieson (chair), Cllrs A Doody, E.Barrett, M Doody      

In attendance        The Clerk, A. Everard.

Other representatives present: Cllr F. Martin (ELDC)                                                           Apologies noted Cllr P. Bradwell (LCC) S.Campbell-Wardman (ELDC).

Public Participation

There were no other members of the public to raise matters.

1. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate

All parish councillors present.

2. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations


3. To sign as correct the minutes from the last Parish Council meeting held on 11th January 2023

It was proposed, seconded RESOLVED to adopt the draft minutes and the Chair signed the minutes.

4. To consider any matters arising from the previous meeting 11th January 2023 not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.


5.  Correspondence Received

Noted LALC E-News (weekly); Police Reports(monthly); ELDC/LCC Town and Parish News; The Pension Regulator re-enrolment request;  Civility & Respect Newsletter(Nov2022); Horncastle Support Fund Team email foodbank/grants (30/11/2022); Alford Storage and Textile Company (ASTCO) email (11/12/2022); Lincolnshire County Council Emergency Planning and Business Continuity email (6/12/2022). The Clerk reported that he had completed The Pension Regulator re-enrolment.

6. Planning

To approve comments submitted in respect of new ELDC planning applications responded to between meetings and new applications to consider and to receive updates on progress of previous applications:

S/181/02111/22 and S/181/02112/22 Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to the existing dwelling (which is a Grade II* Listed Building) to provide additional living accommodation on the site of part of the existing dwelling which is to be demolished.  WHITE COTTAGE, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE- New plans submitted 2/3/2023.

Comments – None

ELDC decision – awaited

LCC reference: pl/0144/22 development: to vary condition 11 of planning permission s/049/01560/19 to allow construction traffic and HCV tankers to access the site via Hungram Lane rather than Edlington Road. Location: Woodbecks Farm, Edlington Road, Edlington.

Comments – No Objections

ELDC decision – awaited

Application reference S/181/00102/23 Planning Permission - Erection of a double garage with office & store over. Pentlands, Main Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5RE

Comments – Neither supported or objected to potential commercial unit and signage.

ELDC decision – awaited

Application reference S/181/00186/23 Planning Permission - Erection of 1 detached dwelling with garage. Elmlea Farm, Elmhirst Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5LX

Comments – No objections.

ELDC decision – awaited.

7. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors

Cllr Martin (ELDC) reported that the ELDC offices were now located in Horncastle at The Hub, Mareham Road.  Also that the 30MPH speed limit extension between Horncastle and Thimbleby along A158 and B1190 Thimbleby Road was now in place. Cllr Martin reminded everyone that the election season was upon us and this would affect council business until 4th May elections were completed.

8. Finance

a) To approve the payment of bills.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to authorise payment of the following payments.

Payments to be authorised at this meeting




Staff Costs


Staff wages, pension, tax and NI




b) To note the bank account balance.

The Clerk reported the balance was at 12th February 2023 was £11492.31.

c) To receive the internal auditor’s report.

The internal auditor’s intermediate report was awaited.

d) To consider bank signatories and any changes.

Depending on the outcome of the election signatories would be reviewed and amended.  If likely to be inquorate standing orders and direct debits may be possible.

9Speed watch

Cllr M. Doody reported to the preceding Annual Parish Meeting that 3 sessions they had held over the year and the impact that could be achieved with more volunteers willing to assist. The highest speed recorded had been 65 miles an hour and the sessions identified between 35 to 50% of vehicles were being driven above the 30mph speed limit. Speed indicator Devices would improve average speeds in the village and would be ordered once the poles had been delivered.

10. To consider potential co-options, arrangements for elections 2023 and publicity.

No candidates for cooption.  Most of the current council were not expecting to stand again so promotion of the election process was important as the council would be inquorate after May 9th. An extraordinary meeting would be required in April to put in place delegated authority if likely to be inquorate.

11. To consider and approve grants to Horncastle Matters and Horncastle Foodbank.

It was proposed, seconded and approved RESOLVED to pay a grant of £75 to Horncastle Foodbank and £25 to Horncastle Matters.

12. To approve arrangements for bin in Mill Lane in accordance with ELDC Litter & Dog Bin Policy

The Chair provided a completed form.  It was proposed, seconded and approved RESOLVED to submit the application to move the existing bin to Mill Lane.

13. To consider the feedback from the public drop-in meeting and consultation by Dyson Farms on 23rd January 2023 regarding potential development of Hallgarth Yard, Thimbleby.

It was noted that the turnout had been good. A resident objected to the development close to their home and another raised an issue about a memorial located on the farm to a former worker.  Some email correspondence had been received.  Residents were encouraged to raise their concerns directly with Dyson Farms directly during the pre-planning application stage.

14. To consider any feedback about the Coronation on 6th May 2023 and Bank Holiday and approve any arrangements the Council wish to make for the parish.

No plans were being made that involved the parish council. No further action.

15. To consider items raised at the Annual Parish Meeting prior to this meeting.

Councillors discussed some of the issues raised but would leave any actions to the new council. 

16. To review and approve the Asset Register and Risk Register.

The Clerk advised that a Risk Register would be advisable and showed an example which councillors welcomed to come forward to the next meeting – the Clerk identified that a laptop bag would make it safer to store and carry the laptop to reduce risk of slips, trips and falls – it was RESOLVED to allow the Clerk to purchase a laptop bag for a cost of up to £30.  The Clerk had reviewed the Asset Register and noted the new laptop and USB flash drive items needed to be added since 2019.   

17. To consider dates for Parish Council meetings in 2023-24 civic year.

Councillors discussed likely meeting cycle and it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to hold meetings on the second Wednesday bi-monthly in the forthcoming civic year – 10th May 2023, 12th July 2023, 13th September 2023, 8th November 2023, 10th January 2024, 13th March 2024, and 8th May 2024.

18. Agenda Items for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 10th May 2023.

Items include co-options, noticeboards and election of Chair.

19. To exclude the media and public from the meeting by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted in accordance with the The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Sec 1 (2).

It was RESOLVED to exclude the media and public while discussing the following item.

20. To consider and approve a quotation for parish bus shelters and seats redecoration from D. Couture, painter and decorator and any other quotations.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept the quotation for £1229 to prepare and redecorate three benches and two bus shelters from D.Couture and the Clerk to notify him of that decision.

The meeting finished at 7.50pm.