10th May 2023
Thimbleby Parish Council
6.45pm 10th May 2023 - Thimbleby Village Hall.
Present: Chair (Mr M. Doody), Vice Chair (Ms E. Barrett) and one member of the public.
Following the election of 4th May 2023 only one validly-nominated candidate was elected. They were invited to complete the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as a Councillor but declined to do so as they no longer wish to take up the role. The Chair and Vice Chair are no longer councillors but will remain in their roles until the new council elects a new Chair and Vice Chair.
There being no other councillors the council is inquorate (less than 3 councillors) and unable to undertake any new business until fresh councillors are elected. The Returning Officer has notified the Clerk/RFO to the Council that the date of the new election is 15th June 2023. Candidates who wish to stand must obtain a nomination form (online or from the Clerk) complete it with a proposer and seconder (electors on the electoral roll) and make an appointment (themselves or by someone on their behalf) to submit those nomination papers to The Returning Officer. The deadline for submission is 4pm Thursday 18th May 2023. Further information can be found on the Thimbleby Parish Council website or East Lindsey District Council's election webpages
The Clerk agreed in consultation with the Chair that a flyer would be produced to deliver to the parish households and businesses about the new election to encourage candidates to get nominated and posts would be generated on Facebook. Delegated powers were adopted at the previous meeting to allow the Clerk/RFO to undertake urgent matters in consultation with the Chair.