28th June 2023
MINUTES of THE PARISH Council Meeting on 28th JUNE 2023
Beginning at 7.00pm at THIMBLEBY VILLAGE HALL
Councillors Cllr M. Doody (Chair) Cllrs A Doody, P.Buckingham.
Not Present: Cllr M. Jamieson
In attendance The Clerk, A. Everard.
Other representatives present: None.
Public Participation
There were no other members of the public to raise matters.
1. Election of Chair of the Parish Council
After nomination it was RESOLVED that Cllr Doody is elected Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council.
2. To resolve to open a period of public participation of not more than 15 minutes for any members of the public to ask questions or raise local issues.
Not proposed as there were no members of the public present to raise issues.
3. To elect Vice Chair of Thimbleby Parish Council (if vacant).
There were no nominations for this position
4. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate
Cllr M. Jamieson sent his apologies.
5. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations
Cllrs M.Doody and A.Doody declared an interest in agenda item 9 relating to Planning Application reference S/181/01013/23 for VILLAGE FARM, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE. Cllr M. Doody and Cllr A. Doody requested a dispensation under S.33(2)(a) Localism Act 2011. It was proposed, seconded unanimously RESOLVED to grant a dispensation to debate and vote on the agenda item.
6. To sign as correct the minutes from the last Parish Council meeting held on 27th April 2023
It was proposed, seconded RESOLVED to adopt the draft minutes and the Chair signed the minutes.
7. To consider any matters arising from the previous meeting 27th April 2023 not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.
Item 14. The Speed Indicator Devices ordered and clasps to be purchased prior to fitting later in the year when possible.
8. Correspondence received
LALC E-News (two-weekly); LALC Training Bulletin (monthly); LALC Annual Report & AGM 29th June 2023; Police Reports(monthly); ELDC/LCC Town and Parish News; Correspondence from a resident of Mill Lane regarding locations of Speed Indicator Devices; ELDC Returning Officer Notice of Election, LCC invitation to apply for litter-picking kits.
9. Planning
To approve comments submitted in respect of new ELDC planning applications responded to between meetings and new applications to consider and to receive updates on progress of previous applications:
- Application reference S/181/00780/23 Planning Permission - Erection of 2 no. dwellings with garages. Elmlea Farm, Elmhirst Road, Thimbleby, Horncastle, LN9 5LX – Update only
Thimleby Parish Council Comment: Objection with reasons.
ELDC Decision: Approved with conditions
- Application reference S/181/01013/23 Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of, extension and alterations of existing barn which is a listed building to form a dwelling - VILLAGE FARM, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE – for comment.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to OBJECT to this planning application and delegated to the Clerk to collate the comments and submit to ELDC in consultation with councillors.
- To note the approval of S/181/01117/23 | Environmental Impact Assessment for a screening opinion with respect to the erection of 14no. holiday lodges, construction of internal access roads and car parking and construction of a bund and fencing. | THIMBLEBY LAKES LTD, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to delegate to the Clerk in accordance with S.101 Local Government Act 1972 to submit the parish council’s response for this expected planning application to ELDC in consultation with councillors after the planning application and other documents are published.
10. To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors
No ELDC or LCC councillors present. Written reports from ELDC and LCC circulated when received.
11. Finance
a) To approve the payment of bills.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to authorise payment of the following payments.
Payments to be authorised at this meeting
Staff Costs |
220.17 |
Staff wages, pension, tax and NI |
Elan City Ltd |
5400.00 |
Speed Indicator Devices |
Post Office Ltd |
97.00 |
ELDC Election Fees |
Total |
5717.17 |
b) To note the bank reconciliation and account balance.
The Clerk reported the balance was at 12th May 2023 was £15,451.52.
c) To consider bank signatories and any changes.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that cheques would continue to be signed by the existing bank signatories until M. Jamieson was removed and Cllr P. Buckingham was added to the account’s signatory mandate.
12. To approve Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Code of Conduct and Complaints Procedure.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve all the policies listed without amendment.
13. To consider and approve any nominees for co-option.
There were none to consider at this meeting. Anyone interested should contact the Clerk.
14. To approve any bookings for training.
It was proposed, seconded unanimously RESOLVED that the Clerk book for Cllr Buckingham to attend a New Councillor Induction course, the Chair to attend a Chair’s Workshop and Cllr A. Doody to attend a Planning course (subject to availability).
15. To note the signing of Acceptance of Declarations of Office and to consider the time to allow any late signatures in accordance with S.83(4) Local Government Act 1972.
All parish councillors present had signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office. M. Jamieson had written to the Council to decline taking up the office of parish councillor. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to vacate his seat due to his failure to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and notify ELDC immediately.
16. To note date of next meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council - 10th July 2023 and any items to be proposed for the agenda.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the next meeting of the parish council will take place in September and the 10th July meeting is deleted from the schedule and the following bookings to be made in Thimbleby Village Hall will be;
27th September 2023; 8th November 2023; 10th January 2024; 13th March 2024 and 8th May 2024.
Cllr A. Doody asked for the purchase of more poppies for the parish to be on the next agenda.
Meeting ended 8.55pm.