8th November 2023 DRAFT
MINUTES of THE PARISH Council Meeting on 8th November 2023
Councillors Cllr M. Doody (Chair) Cllrs A Doody, P.Buckingham.
Not Present: All present
In attendance The Clerk, A. Everard.
Other representatives present: Cllr P. Bradwell, Lincolnshire County Councillor.
Public Participation began at 6.45pm
There were no issues raised. No members of the public present.
Formal meeting began 7.00pm
30/23. Apologies for absence to be approved if appropriate.
31/23. Declarations of Interest and consideration of any requested dispensations
32/23. To adopt the draft minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 27th September 2023.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt 27th September 2023 minutes.
33/23. To consider any matters arising from the previous meeting 28th June 2023 not already on this agenda including Clerk’s Report and actions taken.
The first speed indicator device had been installed and it was expected for the second to be installed by the end of 2023 when there were people available to do it. Minute 26/23 the poppies had been purchased online as local branches of Royal British Legion were no longer involved.
34/23 Correspondence Received
LALC E-News (two-weekly); LALC Training Bulletin (monthly); ELDC/LCC Town and Parish News; ELDC Polling Places Review – no comments to be made; ELDC Local Plan review; SELP/ELDC Sub-regional priorities consultation; ELDC area Police briefings – 5th December – Chair to attend; Open space and play provision across East Lindsey survey; Rural Services Network updates; Lincolnshire Resilience Forum Community Emergency planning and Ready for Anything Volunteer open evening – 22nd November; Horncastle Town Council Emergency Plan update.
35/23 Planning – update on applications and any comments approved in respect of the following applications
a) Application reference S/181/02055/23 Listed Building Consent - Installation of an extractor fan on rear elevation of existing dwelling – WHITE COTTAGE, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE - NEW – Thimbleby Parish Council RESOLVED to submit no objection.
b) Application reference S/181/01980/23 Planning Permission - Conversion of existing garage into a study - WILLOW COTTAGE, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE- NEW – Thimbleby Parish Council RESOLVED to support with comments regarding impact to the conservation area and the standard and appearance of materials to be used.
c) Application reference S/181/01963/23 Listed Building Consent - Alterations to existing dwelling to replace windows and door on east elevation - OLD SCHOOL HOUSE, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE – NEW – Thimbleby Parish Council RESOLVED to make no objection.
d) Application reference S/181/01962/23 Planning Permission - Alterations to existing dwelling which is a listed building to replace windows and door on east elevation - OLD SCHOOL HOUSE, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE – NEW – Thimbleby Parish Council RESOLVED to make no objection.
Previously considered and updates
e) Application reference S/181/01683/23 Planning Permission - Erection of a two-storey dwelling and a detached single garage and construction of a vehicular access – ELMLEA FARM, ELMHIRST ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5LX
ELDC decision - approved with conditions.
f) Application reference S/181/01013/23 Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of, extension and alterations of existing barn which is a listed building to form a dwelling - VILLAGE FARM, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY, HORNCASTLE, LN9 5RE
Thimbleby PC: Objection with comments.
ELDC Decision: Decision awaited.
g) Application reference S/181/01090/23 Planning Permission - Erection of 14no. holiday lodges, construction of internal access roads and car parking and construction of a bund and fencing - THIMBLEBY LAKES LTD, MAIN ROAD, THIMBLEBY
Thimbleby PC: Objection with comments. The parish council noted the new sound test report taking into account increased hearing sensitivity of the dogs staying at the nearby kennels and representations made by nearby resident regarding potential sightings of great crested newts and other species.
ELDC Decision: Decision awaited.
36/23 To receive written and verbal reports from ELDC & LCC Councillors
Lincolnshire County Council Cllr Bradwell noted the recent flooding around the Green Lane junction and water crossing over B1190 Horncastle Road which has affected some dwellings, outbuildings and gardens and will seek reassurance that the drains are working following this meeting. It was noted that surface run-off from the field seemed to be the primary source of water and the Green Lane ditches have not been cleaned out and blocked drains may be contributing to the problem. Land is waterlogged following recent storms with nowhere for the water to go.
On another issue Highways were marking pavements where they expected work to be undertaken but work has not happened yet.
National Grid are also undertaking work to update power to specific street lights in Thimbleby.
Cllr Bradwell will also ask Highways to check the drains after trees have finished leaf fall.
Cllr Bradwell then left the meeting.
37/23 Finance
a) To approve the payment of bills paid between meetings and bills to pay on the payment schedule.
The parish council noted that the new hourly rates of pay applying from 1/4/2023 had been issued by NALC and it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to apply the new rates with effect from 1/4/2023 at the existing scale point.
£59.98 Cloudnext Ltd Email subscription
£30.00 LALC Training fees
£250.00 Thimbleby Village Hall Committee Room Hire fees 2023-24
£20.07 M.Doody Expenses reimbursement
£177.03 A.Everard Expenses reimbursement
£286.82 Salaries Pay, tax and NI
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to pay the payments listed.
b) To note the bank reconciliation and account balance.
12th September 2023 bank account balance £8740.59. Cash book balance £7,920.42. Uncashed cheques £820.17.
c) To consider and approve amendments to bank signatories.
Minute 24/23 waiting to be implemented.
d) To consider budget preparation for 2023-24
Parish council considered items to be put into the budget including replacement of some Community Speed Watch passive speed limit signs, redecoration of benches and noticeboards, work to either decommission the noticeboard Durham Ox or to redecorate, purchase of another speed indicator device and to consider what work needs to be completed to the Village Pump. Parish Council hoped not to increase the precept too high and any donations received may allow certain work to be brought forward. The Clerk will bring budget options to the next meeting for approval and precept-setting.
e) To approve the internal auditor and fees for 2023-24 financial year.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to appoint a LALC panel internal auditor for 2023/24 with potential fees of £150 plus expenses.
38/23 To consider and approve any nominees for co-option.
There were none to consider.
39/23 To consider any highways matters
- Roads and pavements issues – this item was discussed earlier in the meeting with Cllr Bradwell in minute 36/23.
- Road closures – Anglian Water, Green Lane TTR005169 20/11-6/12 was noted.
40/23 To consider and approve responses to;
- ELDC Local Plan review and consultation – the council noted it and the Councillors would respond if they had any comments.
- ELDC Polling District/Polling Places Review 2023 – the council noted it and did not have any comments.
- SELP/ELDC Sub-regional Strategy consultation for town and parish councils – the council noted it.
41/23 To consider any bin moves, noticeboard changes and other asset changes.
The Clerk reported that there had not been any further update on the bin from ELDC. The parish council considered if they still needed three noticeboards and would welcome views from residents.
42/23 To approve Emergency Plan contact details
It was proposed, seconded, RESOLVED that the Chair’s details would be added to the Horncastle Town Council Emergency Plan.
43/23 To consider defibrillators in the parish and any applications for grant funding.
The parish council noted grant funding available and the Chair said that he would discuss with the Village Hall Committee if they would wish to apply for a grant as it was probably more likely to be placed on the village hall due to its central location in the village.
44/23 To approve any bookings for training.
It was RESOLVED that the Chair be booked onto the LALC Chairs’ Workshop.
The parish council would like to attend some training about planning when next available.
45/23 To note date of next meeting of Thimbleby Parish Council – 10th January 2024 and any items to be proposed for the agenda.
Budget and precept-setting, Defibrillator.
Meeting ended 9.28pm